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Just a chapter build up for the next chapter. I hope you enjoy while I'm at work, nonetheless... I wonder what's wrong with the both Peridot and Lapis... 🤔


"What a drama queen." Lapis thought as she watched the masked music artist leave, "By the way he was acting, he almost sounded like a snobby, immature, little girl."

Wonders clouded her mind. If he couldn't dance, why form a dance team? Was this all really just for promotion? Of course it was. That's how falling artists rise again, or at least try. Lapis decided to mind her own business though. If Exiicution wouldn't have made these plans, she probably wouldn't have had her dream come true.

Others decided to be nosey. Rounds of concern and pathetic frowns were swept between dancers. It seemed like some of the dancers had found some sort of forming friendship with the limited time they had spent here. Lapis, on the other hand, stared blankly as Pearl gathered the dancers attention.

"Exiicution will be quite alright. He has his moments." Pearl gave a less than comforting smile to the worrisome fans.

Lapis didn't care about the rich, snobby music artist and his problems. She decided, if they were going to have time to discuss, she would think about how she could make her dream a happier reality. Having friends would be nice, but it was rather hard for Lapis to communicate with others. She could be more kinder and sympathetic to her boss and crew, but with her own problems outweighing theirs, she found it hard. If the faster they would get on tour, the better she would feel about her whole career standpoint. Her boyfriend was, still, mentally holding her down from being herself.

They continued to practice dancing their first routine without their so-called star. Hours had passed and multiple water and a lunch break was given. Pearl stated that Exiicution will get lessons privately to prepare for this dance and that they will run through it again tomorrow.

Her first day on the job wasn't bad. Besides the teasing during the group introduction, it could've gone better. Lapis made sure to prove that she was worth being on the team by learning the dance quickly with as much power as she could with the fresh wounds she had.

Coming home after work was probably not the greatest plan that night, but she's been through all of that before. She didn't expect it to hurt the start of her career.


The weeks following up the first dance routine were, almost, great. Lapis had made a new small friendship with another dancer, something she hasn't had in a while. Their dance choreographers had been showing a bit more personality than before. Sometimes they'd goof off, but, lately, they haven't been due to trying to perfect the routine and the tour dates coming fast. Exiicution hasn't been too bad either. He was laid back, quiet, unless if he had announcements, and actually a fine dancer.

September 15th wasn't a good day at all.

They were doing their fifth routine they had learned with the Exiicution made for his new tour. It was an hour or two into practicing for tour. They were told to go full out, as if they were performing in concert. It was tiring, repeating each dance without any faults.

The crew began to notice Exiicution's gradually decreasing movements. He was physically exhausted and took multiple breaks to regain strength. Lapis and the dancers wondered what possibly could be the problem with him.

But, then, he fainted. Right in the middle of rehearsal.

Gasps and wails sounded as they all watched him fall on the hardwood floor. Topaz, his body guard, was the first to be his aid. She lifted his masked head, about to rip off the mask, but was stopped by the choreographers. Whispers were shared and the pair was gone. Lapis stared, shocked, and ignored the bubbling in her stomach and throat.

It wasn't long until she clasped a hand over her mouth and lurched over. Cold sweats shimmied her back. Her eyes were wide and she shook in confusion and fear. Before hurling over the polished floors, Lapis ran out of the studio and towards the bathrooms without an excuse.

After tasting a nastier version of her breakfast that early morning, Lapis flushed the toilet with a kick of her foot. She dragged herself out of the stall and folded herself over the marble sinks. Worry coursed her veins, hiding under the goosebumps her skin was showered in. The panic wasn't for the music artist, but however it was selfish.

Instead of showing her pale face again to the team that probably thought she being over-dramatic, Lapis staggered to her locker to gather her belongings and left the building.


(Words: 774)

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