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Sorry it's been a while. But, I'm back (hopefully)! I gained inspiration from talking to a fan of this book and a random girl at the nail salon!


Sit back, grab a snack, and be prepared for a LOT of unforetold future.


"It's so nice to be out." Lapis Lazuli stuffed her hands in her hoodies pocket. She had a slight look of appreciation as the Californian beach breeze hit her face. "That bus can get so stuffy."

"You're telling me." Peridot scoffed, her hands stuffed in her own trousers pockets. "You're not the one wearing the mask twenty four-seven and having your crew faun over you."

Lapis gave a snort of agreement. "They can be so suffocating."

The two stood side by side, onlooking the beach front from the pavement of downtowns sidewalk. The palm trees leaves swayed and the salt carried in the January wind. There were elders in speedos and shawls enjoying the soft prickle of the cold that was more intense at their summer homes. It wasn't quiet. Actually, it was bustling with partners, Snow Birds, and morning joggers.

Instead of joining the elders basking in the sun, Peridot and Lapis continued to make their way to the convenient store to purchase necessities and gather a breath of fresh air. Today was Monday, the 15th of January, which meant that tomorrow was the recording of the first episode of Dancing in A Daze. It was their last day to be to themselves before giving it their all throughout the competition.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" Lapis asked, eyes still on the beauty of the blue salt water. "Nervous?"

Peridot waved her hand to shoo away any suspicion of her nerves jumping inside her stomach. "No. I've been on TV more than enough times." She shifted her eyes from the street to the blue haired girl. "Are you nervous?"

"Nah." She frowned, turning away from the waves to round a corner. "I'm not the center of attention. I'm just a..."

Peridot paused at Lapis trailing off. She stood in front of a shop that had a television set angled just correctly so she could see the screen. The news was broadcasting a picture of Exiicution and herself at the Winter Gala, along with pictures of Lapis leaving the tour bus and Exiicution talking with her choreographers. The title on the screen said, 'Together or Torn?'.

"I wonder what they're saying." Lapis whispered to herself as she continued to watch another picture of herself and the masked Peridot pop on screen, this time one of them dancing at the gala, faces inches from each other's. "They don't think we're together, do they?"

The hint of amusement escaped Lapis's thoughts as Peridot forced her hoodie over her blue hair. She had already covered her face with as much shadow from the hood as possible.

"Hey!" Lapis protested, straightening out her hood so she could peer out from under it.

"I don't think it was the smartest idea to come out alone." Peridot said, fingers tapping away on her touchscreen phone. She happened to be on a social media app that everyone knows as Twitter. "We're trending right now."

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