Chapter 61

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GUYS. i thought this chapter was gonna be longer!!! i'm sorry!!! D': please forgive me? i finally uploaded!!! yay!!!! sorry it took me so long, i was working on EDASC and also my schoolwork and cross country meets and all that stuff... so sorry!!! but here's your next chapter!!! hope you like it :)  BYE!!!

A little while later, I was sitting in the family room with Harry, Lou, and Madeline when I heard the front door open. Maddie and I looked at each other and jumped up from the couch at the same time and left the room, checking to see who walked in the front door.

            “Aunt Pat!” we exclaimed and we both ran to her like two little five year old excited to see their aunt. We hugged her one after the other and she smiled at the two of us.

            “I’ve been waiting to see the two of you for the longest time…”

            “How are you?” Maddie asked as our aunt took off her jacket and hung it on a hook.

            “Tired. Really tired…”

            I bit my lip, “Oh… Well…”

            “If you girls want to know, I’m doing much better. It’s just hard, not having Julie around anymore. But Scott and I are trying to get better.”

            “Well that’s good,” Maddie forced a smile and our aunt grinned at her.

            “You are so beautiful… you both are. Are your husbands’ here as well?”

            Maddie blushed and looked at the floor, “He’s not my…”

            “Maddie’s engaged still,” I explained, nudging my cousin in her arm.

            “Ooh, I see,” Aunt Pat smirked and I giggled a little bit, “Now what about you Maya? I know you’re married.”

            I smiled, “Harry’s in the living room with Louis, Maddie’s fiancé. They’re best friends.”

            “Did they meet through the two of you?” Aunt Pat asked.

            “No, they knew each other before, they were both in One Direction,” I explained.

            “Well I’d like to go talk with them, I don’t think I have before.”

            “Yeah, definitely,” Maddie smiled and we brought our aunt into the living room where Harry and Louis were sitting. I smiled at my five year old cousin, Sam, sitting in Harry’s lap while he talked to the people around him. I went back to sit next to him, Maddie sitting on the other side of Louis, and Aunt Pat sitting on the couch opposite us.

            “Harry, this is my Aunt Pat,” I introduced. Maddie did the same with Louis and the two men smiled widely and stuck out their hands. The three of them started talking and Sam looked at me.

            “Look at how curly Harry’s hair is!” she exclaimed. I saw Harry smiling, but continuing to talk with my aunt.

            “It’s nice isn’t it?” I laughed a little bit, “And it’s really soft too.”

            “Really?!” Sam exclaimed and she turned around in his lap to feel his hair. “Oh!”

            “Like it?” Harry laughed out loud and Sam nodded enthusiastically. After another thirty seconds of carefully looking at my husband’s hair, she sat back down in the middle of his lap.

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