Im begging

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E: I need to leave

Doc: Ma'am I'm afraid you cannot

E: My husbands in trouble. My arm shakes when he's in trouble.

Doc: Mrs Seavey

I stopped fighting and looked at the doctor. That was one of the first times I'd heard it out loud. Mrs Seavey. It has such a nice ring to it.

Doc: Mrs Seavey?

I calmed a bit.

E: I...I'm begging you please. I know when Daniels in trouble and right now I can feel it. I've got like a 6th sense.

Doc: You can be released in 3 hours no sooner.

E: Fine

I rolled my eyes and laid back down in bed. I gave up on trying to fight there was no point.

{Doctors POV}

I didn't have the heart to tell Mrs Seavey just yet....about her husband...and what happened....I don't know what she remembers but while she was under we believe her and Daniel became connected. They somehow connected their memories, memories that never happened.
Now that she's awake however...thought the two are attached I don't know how to tell her what happened.

{Corbyns? POV}

I've never stood next to 3 boys that were more shocked before.

There stood Jonah. But Jonah was melting. Melting out of his Jonah form. Into....a girl....

{Ellas POV}

My feet tapped on the ground. I didn't know how much longer I could wait.

E: I'm begging you.

Doc: Ma'am!

E: What happened?! Why am I even

{Daniels POV}

She was semi tall. Her brown hair flowed in the harsh breeze. I somehow managed to break free from her grip on his shirt collar.

D: What the fuck. You are not Jo—

Around me my 3 other brothers//bandmates all melted into the ground.

??: Daniel Seavey.

D: What happened to them?!

??: They were not real.

D: Are you real.

??: You will find out

D: Why did you bring me here?

??: Somone needs to tell you that you need to go back

D: What?

??: Daniel...Daniel Seavey?

D: Yes?! THATS ME!



We left Daniels room in the hospital and walked to Ella after we caught news that she was awake.

Jo: Ella?!

E: Jonah!!

I pulled her into a huge hug. The 3 boys behind me followed suit, we all gave her extra hard squeezes.

E: How are my babies?

Did she not remember?!

Jo: They are at home...with the girls. I just caught news that you woke up.

E: How's Daniel? I could sense somethings wrong with him?!

Oh fuck. 

Jo: Oh Ella....I'm so sorry. He's been in a coma since the car crash. I—

C: Ella the doctors believe...that he

E: No

C: They think he's dead.....

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