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E: Please. Let Daniel out safely.

R: Why? Why should I not just keep him.

E: Because even though you want him. You're a fan and LimeLights are really accepting and deep down good people. I know you won't hurt him or me.

R: So sure

She slapped my shoulder. It didn't hurt at all.

E: See you know. You understand. Go make your offer to Daniel I don't care. Just please let him go....we have kids who don't deserve this.

R: And what should I do with you.

E: Whatever will make Daniel happy. Cause that's what your job as a fan is....to make those 5 happy.

R: You are so sure I won't hesitate to kill you just as fast as I kidnapped you.

E: I don't care anymore. I know that no matter what Daniel loves me and I love him.

After our talk earlier I felt like I could die at any moment and be happy. I knew I was loved and that's all that mattered. I was happy and in love.

E: I can die happy now with no questions ever again. So do what you want with me...just keep Daniel safe as I know you will.

R: I may be nice but...my sister could care less.

R: Alison!

A: Yeah!

R: Dangle time

A: Oh thank god. I can't stand this whores voice

E: What—what's dangle

A: Scared?

E: Never—-


My entire life with Daniel flashed before me. I saw a young girl meeting him all over again. It was no big deal whatever cane my way because—the best and hottest guy in the world loved me....like truly loved me....I was ready to fight....but if all went wrong I was happy. Finally. Happy.

The bag was removed from my head about 15 minutes later and I felt light. I looked around and saw my situation I was in my chair tied up still however, the chair was attached to a bungee cord and I was dangling over a cliff.


E: Just drop me

A: Don't tempt me.

She pushed a button and the rope moved down a little.

A: I own this bungee cord if you're wondering and I know this could cause a lawsuit but it's worth it because Daniel will pay it off.

E: Just drop me already.

A: Nope. You're leverage if Daniel says no and escapes you drop. If he agrees...we might make a deal to keep you alive. That a MAYBE though.

E: Great.

A: So don't go falling now. See you later.

She walked away laughing. I toke note of where I was and conjured a plan.

Daniel wasn't about to get his life ruined just to save me. He had the right to not be blackmailed.
I was going to escape

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