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I walked around our bedroom looking at old photos.

Wow. Time had flown.

I was now realizing that I never really had taken a breath or relaxed since I met Daniel. That wasn't a bad thing, I enjoyed it. I just hadn't realized how fast time was going until now.

D: It feels like we haven't had a break, that's what you're thinking, right?

E: I hate how well you know me.

D: It's good for me. Girls are confusing.

I giggled

D: What?

E: You haven't sounded like tooth gap, in a band Daniel in a while and you did.

D: Well tooth gap, in a band Daniel hasn't been in a band in awhile.

E: Once in a band, always in a band.

D: I suppose you're right.

E: Yeah, I always am.

He giggled again and put his head on my shoulder, slowly his arm slipped around me.

E: Time has gone by too fast. So much has happened.

D: So much has changed.

E: Do you ever wonder what would've happened if we had never met? You know the college I went to, was my second choice.

D: I never think like that my love. I would've been such a terrible person with a terrible life without you.

E: No, the real Daniel was in there, you would've found him.

D: I couldn't have without you.

I turned and fell into his chest as he hugged me. We swayed back and forth.

D: No matter how fast time has gone, you still are so perfect. You're just amazing Ella, the only thing I wish that would've changed about you is that you would realize that I never would've been happy without you.

E: Mmm. Say more nice things.

D: Remember when you stopped me from beating up Jonah....

E: And Zach, the guys who hurt me, oh and that guy who grabbed the tomato I was going to get.


E: Daniel. Nice things. I would've have been where am I without you. I would've graduated with a music degree but, no where to go, no friends, no happiness.

D: Oh stop Ella, someone would've snatched you up easily.

E: Yeah and no one would've wanted me 6 pack?!

I lightly lunched his chest, making him laugh.

D: We always find ourselves reminiscing.

E: It makes me feel like no matter what had happened, it was meant to.

D: There really is a beauty in everything Ella.

E: Isn't there? I m—



E: Yes?

Ju + Ja: well aidbskanakejevwjamd Heineksnn and THEN ajdjdjoe enshrined d

D: James give her what she needs back and stop your bickering.

Ja: I don't wanna she broke my truck.

E: That was 4 years ago James.

Ja: She still should be held accountable.

D: James you are 9 years old, how do you know what accountable means?

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