The End

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Many, Many Years later.....

<Elaine's POV>

El: Gone but, never forgotten.

James flashed his smile at me and Julia squeezed my right hand.

Ju: Never.

Fingers ran down my left arm and I looked up to see Josh smiling at me. He slowly intertwined our fingers. I leaned over to rest my head on him. He looked just like his dad, Jonah sometimes

I glanced around the room taking my own attendance in my head. To my left we had of course the Seavey siblings, my siblings Julia and James.

To my right the Frantzich boys Josh and Alex. I was now a Frantzich, Josh and I had, had this connection since we were kids once we started dating in 6th grade we were inseparable.

In front of me were the Averys . 5 amazing kids Lily, Ally, Jeremy, Spencer and Lavendar.

Next to them the Herron kids, Rene and Skylar.

And next to them, the Besson kids, Callie and Carson.

We stayed a family after all these years, are fathers forever kept us connected despite the fact that the Bessons moved to New York, the Herrons moved to Texas and the Averys moved to Florida. The Frantzichs and Seaveys were the closest. We stayed in California.

Our dads had been in a band, that's all that we needed to stay together.

Ja: We should probably my head home.

I nodded my head as did everyone else, "yes" and "yeah" muttered through the room.

Slowly people left, exchanging hugs and goodbyes until Josh, my son and I were left. Josh told our son to wait a bit in the car and he walked up to me and kissed my hand.

El: They were all we had left. They were all the LimeLights had left, they—

Tears streamed down my face as Josh hugged me.

Jos: I's ok. Why don't we will never end and neither will their legacy.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. After 45+ years all I still worried about Why Don't We. My dads legacy, my legacy. I glanced at josh...our legacy.

I released myself from Joshs grasp and knelt down in front my my father and mothers grave. They were attached at the hip my entire life, I had to get them a grave together.

I kissed my moms said, Ella Seavey. Then my dads side, Daniel Seavey.

My finger traced over the writing in the center,
"This love could never be a secret"

It was a quote from one of my fathers interviews after he had first met my mother and was announcing their relationship. My mom always loved that quote.

I looked around next to their graves seeing that now once again Why Don't We was back together. They were just waiting for my dad.

Josh grabbed my arm as rain started to fall.

Jos: We should probably head out before it gets too bad my love.

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