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E?: Daniel?!

He looked at me and then put his head on his knees and looked forward out to the ocean.
I carefully sat down next to him and did the same.

We stayed there in silence for a couple of minutes before he spoke.

D: I would never cheat on you. I know the old Daniel may have...but he was a major douche.

He sighed.

D: I love you Ella. The truth is though I'm so scared and confused right now. I thought all that time ago I bought a slave. I fell in love with her and I made her my girlfriend.

He scoffed.

D: Then I made her my wife. Turns out everything I thought was true...just....wasn't.

He sighed.

D: I thought us meeting. Me meeting the girl I wanted to love for all my life...was a crazy coincidence but it turned out all my life my life had been looking for you. It doesn't feel real. We spent a crazy long time in comas and I thought everything happening....was real....

He took a breath.

D: It's worse now. My pain and regret and guilt...because now I know that no matter what. We were made for each other so even if you want to leave you can't because we're soulmates. I feel so bad because you could've gotten away and you've wanted to...but you can't because you are forced to stay with me. I feel like—like I bought you all over again. And fuck. I'm so sorry. You deserve so much more. I'm sorry that you got stuck with me....you're soulmates an asshole.

He scoffed again

D: But Ella.

He looked at me and then quickly looked back at the water.

D: I fucken love you.

E: I—

D: Before you. I never wanted kids...I never wanted a family. I wanted a hot babe for a month or two to fuck and move on with for the rest of my life. I never wanted to be the guy who ended up like everyone else. A father supporting his wife and kids. I never wanted that. I spent my days cursing out kids because lord Jesus they were so annoying. Of course I loved my fans but those were my fans I didn't need or want to live with my fans and be the one to feed and clothe them. Another thing. I never wanted to settle down. I never wanted to have to be a jealous boyfriend or have to be ok with being with one girl for the rest of my life...

He sighed.

D: They you came. I walked into that big auction house and I felt my heart skip a beat. I saw you in a white gown looking into my eyes and saying I do. I paid 10 million dollars because I knew no one could beat that. But if I had to go higher I would've. I wanted you. From the second you started with your attitude, tough gal bullshit I was in love...when we first laid in bed together I had a dream that you and I had kids and we were a happy family.

He smiled and bit his lip a bit.

D: Even though we've been through so much and so much had gone wrong and we've hurt each other. I got that happy family I never thought I wanted until you.

He let his lip go and laughed through his nose.

D: I- I just really love you Ella. You're just that girl. You used to talk about with Christina how you felt lucky because with my millions of fans I could've had...I chose you. But I'm the lucky one. Out of all the men in the world. Our hearts were born to love together....and I could've gotten a better partner to show me what a happy family is like.

A tear slowly fell down his face. I was already crying but trying to act cool.

D: I would never cheat on you again and I need you to believe me. I texted Anastasia again because growing up her grandma was like a witch. She cast spells and did some weird voodoo and I knew she knew a lot about soulmates. So I went to her for help. I've never been happier than you have made me Ella. I really really really TIMES infinity love you.

E: I—I really...really...really....love you too. I'm sorry—I-I'm just scared.

D: I know my love.

He pulled me into a "never letting you go" type hug and he just held me.

You know it's love when you can hold onto a person for hours straight without taking, kissing...doing anything but being together.

E: I'm so happy you are my soulmate Daniel. Sure things haven't been the best but I couldn't have wanted this any other way.

D: Ella?

E: Mhm?

D: Follow me.

He stood up. I stared up at his blue eyes as he reached a hand down to help me up. He stared into my eyes smiling. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up and onto the sand. I stumbled into his arms a bit and he laughed.

D: Adventure awaits....

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