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The black dark void that was just a bag was lifted.

My eyes opened slowly to see I was in a dark basement. Not surprised

There was an itch on nose. My hand jerked to get it but, not to my surprise my hands were quite literally tied. I rubbed my nose against my T-shirt to calm down the need to itch.

I looked around.

??: Are you ok baby?

Right. Kidnapped.

D: Nope. I've got an itch on my nose.

She gladly scratched my nose.

D: Thanks

What she's still a helpful fan.

??: Now you see what I can offer you....

D: An occasional nose scratch? I think I'll use my own hands thank you. Speaking of which could you untie me?

She put an apple juice on my lap.

??: Thirsty?

D: You do realize I'm 35 and I don't drink apple juice.

??: that's not what the fans think. You take it when the fans give it to you.

D: I've got kids I can bring it home to. That's where most stuff I get goes to anyway.

??: and before the kids? You took it.

D: Before the kids the bad members had younger siblings and—you know what I just got kidnapped, my wife is not here and you smashed my car. I am not discussing apple juice right now.

??: I'm guessing you want my motive..

D: I already got it. You're a fan—

??: LimeLight

D: Sure. Yeah. You're a LimeLight who took a fanfic to the next level. I know the deal.

??: I don't want you for your money.

D: I know...you want me because you "know who I truly am" and you "know you can treat me right if I only give you a chance"

??: Am I not the first fan to do this?

D: Try, nope....actually succeeded, yes

??: Wow. I can treat you better though (😏) Daniel if you only—

D: You don't know who I am—-

??: Ryan

D: Rya—

R: Oh coming from your mouth my name sounds beautiful

I think I just threw up a little

D: Well Ryan you don't know who I truly am. Just by handing me apple juice you've proven you cannot deliver what Ella can to me. So please kindly let me go home to my kids WITH my wife.

R: I know who you are Daniel.

D: Really.

R: It's how I know exactly what you want.

She looked down my body and to my dick. I followed her eyes now realizing I was in a tank top and underwear.

R: You may be famous and incredibly hot

D: Thank you

R: But you're a boy and all boys—men want one thing.

D: Really. Wow. You're right. And I have that with Ella.

R: No with her you're having sex with an old, worn out lady....I can give you whatever you want; whenever you want.

D: That's what every girl says....it's harder than you think honey..

R: Why cause it's big

D: Well—it is—but no that's not why. Listen girly I have had slaves and they get tired of the same thing after a while as do I and I move on. It would feel nice being mine for a while but after that while when I only used you for sex and then made you sleep in a closet and eat whenever the fuck I felt like letting you because you are only needed when I needed to jerk off....after a while I wouldn't be the Daniel you wanted. You wouldn't get the Daniel Seavey fanfic ending you wanted.

R: Maybe I could be like Ella

D: Nope. No one is like Ella. I can assure you though even if you were like her you still wouldn't be someone I wanted.

R: How so.

D: might as well say it because you guys find out everything....I was in a coma and I got out only to find out Ella is my soulmate and no one can break that.

R: Really not even this.

Her shirt fell down as did her shorts...I can't lie and say she wasn't an attractive girl but, I also would be lying if I said this wasn't illegal and I wasn't happily married and getting kidnapped and forced to have sex with a minor wasn't really a turn on.

D: Yeah no.

R: Sure Ella can cut the crusts of your kids sandwiches but...I'm a virgin who is 16 and still hasn't gotten her period so you can have whatever you want, whenever.

D: you do realize how much worse that makes this. I'm not going to break a law just for a virgin.

R: But you did for Ella.

D: She was 22...I was 25 I don't think I broke anything there.

R: People aren't allowed to be slaves Daniel and you broke that.

D: Wow you guys really do know everything.

I pause thinking. My eyes gaze behind her, I smile.

D: What's my favorite animal?

R: Tiger

D: Height?

R: 5 '11?

D: 6 ft now actually. Favorite book

R: In the LimeLight obviously

D: Birthday?

R: April 2nd, 1999 or 4/2/99

D: Favorite candy?

R: Sour patch kids

D: Wow....Last one before we get into the real deal here.

R: Alright

D: Who is that behind you?

R: Oh that's—JONAH?!

Mr Seavey's Secret; S2Where stories live. Discover now