~27~ Beanies and Sleepovers

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I had gone to the Matthews house early, and was sitting down eating breakfast with them, when Maya ran in. "All right, weirdos. Listen up and listen up good. I got like a minute before he walks through the door."

"Before who walks in?" I asked.

"Your Uncle Boing." Maya said, pointing to Riley.

"Oh, Maya, you've got to get off of this."Riley sighed.

"Nope. The reason he's not interested is because I've been playing it all wrong. See, my strategy of turning into a total nut job at the mere sight of him ain't working out as planned."

"Or maybe it's the age difference." I deadpanned.

"Three years older. Riley's dad married her mom. He's like 20 years older."

"We're exactly the same age." Cory scoffed.

"What?" That was new information to her.

"And Kenzie's mom and stepdad were like 5 years apart!"

"Let me also remind you that that was an arranged marriage, so...."

"I just need to be caszh. How's this?" She propped her feet on the table."

Topanga chuckled. "Yeah, how's this?" She pushed Maya's feet off. Then, the door walked open and Josh walked in.

"Hey, family."

Maya twirled her hair. "Yeah, hi. I don't care."

"My brother!" Josh said, walking over to Cory.

"My brother!"

I crossed my arms, standing up. "My beanie!"

Josh turned to me, raising his eyebrow mockingly. "I have no clue what your talking about..." He said, adjusting my beanie.

"You're evil." I said, pouting.

"Nice to see you too, Makenzie Hunter."

I looked around the room. "Alright, who told!?" Cory sheepishly raised his hand, and I raised an eyebrow. "I'll deal with you later."

"So, Riley, shouldn't we be like heading to school now, since there's nothing here for me of any interest?"

"Sure. Let's go."

Auggie came sit next to us. "Think she'll make it out the door?"

"I give her 20 seconds before she jumps on his head."

"I say 10." I said, smirking.

We stood up and walked over to Maya. Josh held up an envelope. "I came up here because I wanted to do this in front of all of you. I hold in my hand an envelope from New York University."

Maya stopped walking. "Ohh. Are we stopping?" Riley and I teased.

"I'm not stopping. I'm resting." She stopped walking again.

"What's in this envelope tells me where I'm gonna be for the next four years." Maya stopped walking.

"Ohh. Are we stopping?" We teased again.

"I'm not as young as I used to be." She said frustrated.

"Good luck, Josh."

"Yeah, go get 'em Joshie boy." I smirked. "Maybe you can get a job so you can buy your own beanie."

He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, hi. I don't care." Maya said starting to walk out with Riley.

"Is it just me or is there a new maturity in Maya that I haven't seen before? I find it intriguing."

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