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Thomas and Abel are with Gemma while Ellie is with Jax. They're at the new clubhouse-- the upstairs of the ice cream parlor.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Tara's at the hospital drawing her own blood. Margaret brings her files and checks that she's okay.

"Thank you, I know I've put a lot on you, things I've had no right to ask," Tara says.

"We've been through a lot together, Tara. I know you. I have been where you are. I thought a lot about all this last night and I can imagine how extreme it must feel to you, but you have to stay focused on the big picture," Margaret says.

"Dire circumstances require desperate measures," Tara says.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

The club is helping Venus get her son back. Venus's mother is insulting her, "You don't deserve a son. I had a son once. Then he forgot who he was, deserted his family. Turned into a freak of the fringe. You go ahead. You tell that sweet boy all about his daddy. How much you love him, want the best for him. It won't matter, because when he finds out what you are, he's gonna grow up hating you. Hating your lies. Hating the life you forced him into. And hating himself. This boy's gonna blow his brains out before his balls completely drop. Not cause of me, or his dead mama but because of you. The awful thing that turned out to be his father."

Jax, standing nearby and hearing all of this, grows angry and shoots her in the head. She's dead. Hearing a parent speak about their child like that unleashed something inside of him.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

Tara meets with Ally at the hospital. She's prepared something that would legally prevent Gemma from being part of her children's lives. Ally reminds Tara that the paper has no weight without both parents' signatures. Tara is sure Jax will sign it. When Unser shows up at the hospital, Tara asks for his help.

"How can I help you, sweetheart?"

"Are you still friends with that city clerk in Lodi?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"I need to get a restraining order."

Later, Unser gives Tara the restraining order and asks who it's for. Tara tells him that it'll all make sense soon. Gemma drops the boys and Ellie off at the daycare.

~ SOA ~ ~ SOA ~

"Grandma, I thought you were leaving?" Ellie asks after Gemma follows her through the halls of the hospital while she looks for her mother.

"Yeah, well, I gotta talk to your mom."

They find Tara in the cafeteria eating with Margaret. She smiles at Ellie, but scowls when Gemma hurries to her in a rage, "I need to talk to you now. You, too, Red-- outside!"

"We're eating dinner."

"Yeah, well, you're gonna be eating your own teeth in a minute! Let's go!"

"What the hell is going on, Gemma?"

"That's exactly what I'm trying to find out. Where's your lizard lawyer? I understand you've been busy making arrangements for my grandkids!"

𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 - 𝙎𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝𝙮Where stories live. Discover now