XVII: The Storm

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I am so sorry for such a long wait, you guys! But strap in folks! This is a bit of a long one, but I hope you enjoy it ;) (it's also like 5550 words which is pretty satisfying) also I love you all so much your support on my page is just unbelievable and I'm so grateful for every single one of you and I mean it. Seriously. <3
Ps. I have no idea how to make cookie dough, I always just buy the pre made one and then bake it, but like 🤷‍♀️ so take it easy on my if my shit isn't lining up lol.

Saturday, October 13th
6:30 pm - Annabeth's house
10 weeks and 3 days

"Are you sure that you're alright?" her father asked again through the phone.

"I promise, I'm fine. It's just some rain, nothing I can't handle," Annabeth reassured.

"And you have—"

"A flashlight, first aid kit, batteries, radio, and yes, my phone is charging. Everything is all ready, but the power isn't even out. I think I'll be okay, dad."

"Alright, Pumpkin. Just... be careful," he sighed. "I love you, Annabeth."

"Love you to, dad. Bye," she said before hanging up the phone. In case it wasn't clear, a storm was coming, and of course, it started out with rain.

Annabeth had never really been afraid of the storms, but instead always fascinated by the lightning. She used to sit by the little window in the basement while her mother held her and they watched. Storms always reminded Annabeth of her mother. They were a quiet, but strong presence at first, and you always knew one was coming, but never exactly what it entailed. Then, the lightning; like her mother's eyes, which Annabeth was thankful were given to her. It was hard for her not to think of her mom.

Usually Thalia came over and they waited them out together, but Thalia was away with her father and brother, on another 'I'm sorry for being a shitty dad' trip. At least, that was what Thalia called them. Thalia asked Annabeth if she wanted her to stay, but Thalia had never been to Paris, and at least one of them needed to make it there in their life time. She could never hold her friends back; it wasn't being good to them.

Suddenly, the winds picked up outside and the lights flickered off. Of course, it was already dark outside, because it was getting later in the year. She flicked on her flashlight and went to sit on the couch, with everything she needed. She grabbed herself a snack; these multigrain sort of chip-cracker hybrid that were absolutely delicious. She pulled her book into her lap and began reading under the ray of her flashlight.

She had been reading for a good fifteen minutes before she heard a noise. Now of course, this is where she gets paranoid. Her house wasn't huge, but it was big enough to the point that if someone were to get inside, she might have a hard time finding them. Which also meant that it was big enough for her to get scared.

She convinced herself that it was only her imagination; it was just the wind. She continued on reading.

She read word after word, but nothing was sticking to her; she was distracted. Knowing she would have to re-read the pages anyways, she closed the book. She sat there and she looked around the living room. She pulled open her bag of chips and began eating them. She started to hum her favorite song as she ate, feeling pretty happy with the chips.

At this point, she was really wishing she had a dog. Or a cat. Or just any animal to keep her company. She would have liked to go sit up in her room, but it was too dangerous. She suddenly remembered that she had brought down fairy lights—she didn't know why, it was just on a whim.

Luckily, they were battery powered, and she flipped the little switch. They turned on, a soft golden light surrounding her. She spread them out across her lap and all over her things, like a net of light. It was so pretty that she couldn't help her smile. She grabbed her laptop, which had been charging all day and turned it on. She decided that she could spare some time for The Office on Netflix.

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