Haukea City, Island of Bridgeport

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New Seoul; Finding Taehyung


"What is a beautiful woman like you doing by yourself on such a lovely day?"

I ask her. It was after soccer practice and I kicked the soccer ball back and forth between my feet as I lean against the blossoming sakura tree she was taking refuge under.

It was a beautiful day in mid-April and she was sitting on her satchel, reading a children's book with her back against the tree. Her Shiritsu Kula uniform was wrinkled as if she just took it out of the package and put it on for the first time.

"Go away."

She says in Korean and I pause for a moment to switch languages from Alohowa to Korean.

"Fine then," I say back in Korean and start to walk back to the field to practice by myself.

It was already late after school and the guys from the team were long gone. I pause and feel a twinge in my heart.

I turn back toward the girl.

She was stuck reading a Children's book trying to pronounce different words in Alohowa but saying them all wrong. Her long blonde hair blows in the breeze and for a moment she looks almost picture perfect.

That is until she looks up at me and gives me the nastiest look I had ever seen.

I'm a Grayson, no girl ever pushed me aside. I decided then that I wouldn't take no for an answer.

I walk back to her. Kicking the soccer ball into the tree at the perfect angle and catching it in my arms.

"You're new here right? To the school and the island?"

I ask in Korean. My brain does the translating automatically. I've had six languages under my belt since I was 10 and Korean happened to be the one I was second best at.

She doesn't even look up at me.

"I said go away."

She says and shifts her petite little body until her back faced me.

Oh hell no, there was no way I was giving up that easily.

I plop down next to her and lean my back against the tree. She looks back at me and frowns. "That's not a great strategy for making new friends you know." I say while stretching my arms and resting them behind my head.

"I don't need friends." She says and turns back to her book.

"I'm Pierce by the way." I say, ignoring her comment. She sighs and turns back to me.

"I guess you're not leaving like I asked." She continues frowning and doesn't even look at me.


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