Ch.9 The Door In The Roof.

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Aphys had kept her old lab in the underground and would go back to work on stuff in it, before the whole human situation she had been making a machine that could transport people into other dimensions, and today she was making the finishing touches, she didn't really know how to test if it would work but that would come later.
She looked down at her blueprints.
There was no reply, only the hum of the computer.
(Alphys Pov)
Oh, right. Ever since Mettaton became a star on the surface we've been more distant than ever, I miss having someone there to help me out. Oh well, it could be worse. I walked over to the other room and picked up a screwdriver. This is gonna be a long day.
(Undynes Pov)
It had been a while since humans and monsters got equal rights which means that we can get jobs now so I of course got a job as a policewoman!
There isn't much crime around here though so it's kinda boring but that's okay, one time a kid, there sorta the bully around the school threw a ball into my car! I tried to arrest her but the department said: "She's only a kid, we're sure she didn't mean, and besides it's only a scratch on the side". So that's annoying I soppuse. I'm was walking home but I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, Alphys was calling me. I answered and said:"Hello"?
Alphys:Hi!, excuse me but if your free later could you drop by my lab? I wanna show you somthing.
Undyne: Sure, just give me a minute.
Alphys: See you soon!
The call ended. Well then, here I go.
(Pov End)
Alphys was waiting at the lab for Undyne to arrive, it had only been a second since she called Undyne but the was a knock at the door in 8 seconds. I walked over to open the door for Undyne but when I did it was Mettaton instead. Great.
Alphys: So what are you doing here?
MTT: Well I came to say that I'm sorry for abandoning you, and I also came to ask if you if you can forgive me.
Alphys:Hmm, im not su-
She looked at his face and could see how sad it was, which probably meant he wasn't lying.
MTT: please?
Alphys: *sigh* okay then.
MTT: THANK YOU SO MUCH! Oh and by the way I've already booked a vacation to tenerife for you me Undyne Papyrus and Sans.
Alphys: Thank you!
There was a crashing sound which caused Alphys to jump behind her there was a lot of dust (nobody's just died) that started to fill the room. One it had cleared up Undyne was standing on the floor.
Alphys: *coughing* What happened?
Undyne: I used the door on the roof!
Alphys: huh?
She looked up to see a hole in the roof.
Undyne: I can close it for you.
( Boom! End of chapter word count down there read next chapter when released thanks for reading bye!)
519 words.

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