Ch. 21 Halloween Special (Horrortale/ Undertale)

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Spoopy time.
Ink who had just popped out the wall stood there waiting for a response, it was a long wait. "How's it going?" Undyne asked akwardly. "Great I suppose." Ink responded. "Anyways, in two days time it's gonna be Halloween- I think so at least. On Halloween if you two are free I can take you to another AU if your okay with that." Alphys turned to Undyne who glanced back, Alphys asked "I don't think we are." Undyne replyed with "Yeah, I think we could go." "Great then! I'll see you soon."
On the car ride home Sans ranted to Undyne about what she did while Alphys and Papyrus watched, unsure of what to do. By the time they reached their house Undyne had made amends with Sans (Even if he was still a bit salty) and all seemed well. They stepped out and said the farewells to each other before going back inside.
Alphys started to prepare dinner (No, they weren't having NOODLES) while Undyne did the laundry. Even though time had passed they still found it strange to be on the surface. They always expected to wake up in their houses/ labes. After the incedent with the "human" their life's had drastically changed for the better or worse. But either way, it's done and dealt with now. They continued their day normally and after some time went to bed.
They woke up the next day on the 30th, which was also another normal day. They went grocery shopping and saw all the workers putting up Halloween decorations for the big day tomorrow which was fine and dandy, however just like any other store, already had advent calendars for sale, 2 months early. They went around and got what they needed (With yes, included an excessive amount of NOODLES) and headed to the check out. Undyne went back to the police department to work and Alphys went to her lab to Continue work on another machine. Once they got home they watched Mew Mew Kissy Cutie together (Like couples do) and after two hours , went to bed.
It was around 4:00 AM and Ink had just teleported inside Undyne and Alphys house. After some quick debating in his mind he decided it would be funny to spook Undyne and Alphys, I mean, it was technically halloween. He tip toed (Well he only has bones) up stairs and into the hallway. It was a month ago when Undyne hit him with a lamp here. Outside their bedroom he decided he would just touch Alphys forehead, if that didn't wake up he'd make a screaming noise to spook them awake. He slowly opened the door which thankfully didn't creek and walked over to Alphys. He was standing directly next to her side of the bed and extended is hand and touched her forehead. When he made contact he uttered the word "Boop."
Unexpectedly, this woke up Alphys who let out a little shriek. That woke Undyne up. She quickly summoned a spear in her hand and yelled "WHO THE FU-". That surly woke up the whole neighbourhood. Ink started apologising over and over until Undyne realised it was him.
"Oh my goodness I am so sorry!" Ink said a second or two afterwards. "O-Oh it's fine." Alphys said akwardly. Undyne let out a sigh and said "Don't do that again." in a voice that sounded menacing. "I won't." Ink responded. "A - Anyways, if I go and fix you two some breakfast we can visit that AU." Ink said. Another sigh could be heard in the room as Undyne stood up and walked over to their closet. Ink went downstairs while Alphys and Undyne changed out of their pajamas. He looked through the cuboards to see what they might eat for breakfast. He had seen them make NOODLES once before but they probably didn't have them EVERY morning.
Eventually he found some cornflakes and put them into bowls for Undyne and Alphys. He then waited downstairs for them to arrive. When they came down the stairs he greeted them and asked if it was okay he made cornflakes. A question he never thought he would ask in his life. It wasn't any NOODLES but they were alright with it. They sat down and had their breakfast.
After 3 minutes they'd finished their breakfast and were ready to go to whatever AU Ink had in mind. "Well, since it's halloween I thought that you both might wanna go to Horrortale." Ink said with the same chessy grin on his face. Undyne said she was all for it but Alphys was a little nervous. "Is it s-s-safe?" She asked. "Yeah...... probably." Ink said the last part quietly. "Well hey! You got me to keep you safe." Undyne told Alphys. "All right then." Alphys still didn't sound too confident. Ink summoned a portal in front of the gang. "Well then. Let's go!" Ink said. He jumped into the portal leaving Undyne and Alphys. Undyne took Alphys hand and said "Don't worry, okay? You'll be fine with me." And with that they walked through together.
You are now 1/3 into this chapter. Take a meme before we continue.

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