Ch.19 Things To Get A Hold Of

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Heya guys! Before we start this chapter I'd like to thank
For thinking up of the idea of Alphys and Undyne going to a fancy restaurant.
Be sure to follow him/her.
Anyways, on with the chapter!

Undyne and Alphys weren't very happy to see Mettaton at the moment considering all they has been doing prior to getting home, Mettaton, with his loud booming voice announced "HELLO DARLINGS" Undyne got straight to the point and asked him "Alright waddya want?" "Well Darlings, just a friendly reminder that were going on a holiday soon!" Alphys suddenly remembered the begining of the day Undyne and herself has confessed their love to each other. "O-Oh right, I nearly forgot." Alphys still hadn't informed Undyne about this incident yet. "Huh? What do you mean?" Undyne said. "Well you see, the morning before we met ink M-Metaton invited us to go on h-holiday." Alphys told Undyne. Mettaton briefly explained where they were going and all they were going to do there. "Oh, by the way I'd like to inform you beauties that later on tonight if you want we can all meet up and go to get some dinner." Mettaton added. "Is it Apple Bees?" Undyne said sarcasticly. "No,the restaurant were going to is more fancy than that." "OO is it McDonald's?" Undyne asked. "Nope!" "Lemme guess, it's your resauant." Alphys said.
"Bingo" Mettaton simply replied.
Alphys and Undyne stepped inside with nothing to actually do other than watch more mew mew kissy cutie. It hadn't been often lately that they'd get some alone time with each other. Since both of them had assumed Mettatons whole business was to get them going on a date, so they picked out the best clothes that was in their closets (Which only took a year or so) Alphys and Undyne threw each other the type compliments you'd expect them to and then took some time for more mew mew kissy cutie.
Undyne,Alphys and Mettaton all met up outside on one of his "MTT Resorts" on the surface. The outside of the building looked nearly identical to the one underground.  " By the way Darlings,there a party going on tonight, a lot of loud music." It was around 10PM and the resort was quite lively, as soon as they walked in they were bombarded by some of Mettatons fans, Mettaton told Alphys and Undyne to head on while signed some notebooks or where ever they wanted an autograph.
Undyne and Alphys ear drums nearly exploded due to the volume of the music. Still, they sat down at the table with one chair empty. Undyne took a quick look around before asking Alphys "How in the name of Asg- well I mean how on earth is Mettaton this rich?" Alphys nervously laughed and said "I don't know we aren't to c-close anymore." The waiter handed them their menus and left back through the kitchen doors. Mettaton came in and sat down next to Alphys, he whispered to Alphys "hey, I know this is a cliché, but you should make a move or something." He then leant over to  Undyne and whispered the exact same thing to her. Mettaton got back up literally seconds afterwards and said he'd be back in a minute. "S-so then..... how was your day with Ink"? "Oh I think we got along well."
For the next couple minutes Mettaton spyed on Alphys and Undyne, they only seemed to be using small talk, not anything to serious. Mettaton intended to Change that. His first idea was to skip to the part of the performance were the slow music began. Mettaton was  behind the stage, he had a microphone next to him which was connected to the speakers. He proceed to announce: "DEAR BEAUTIES AND GENTLEBEAUTIES, I'D LIKE TO INFORM YOU THAT WE'RE INITIATING THE SLOOOW MUSIC, SO ALL OF YOU LOVEY DOVEY PEOPLE CAN GET STRAIGHT TO IT."
Undyne and Alphys stared at each other for a moment unsure of what to do. Undyne got up and grabbed Alphys hand. Alphys was quite nervous especially when it came to dancing. Undyne yanked Alphys out of the seat anyways. They were right about to begin dancing but suddenly.... the food came.
Mettaton, who was peeking his head through the side of the curtains felt like he wanted to exploded. He was so close! He tried his best to course the anger out of his vains or rather wires, and continued think up of ideas.
The rest of the night continued with Mettaton constantly trying to get Alphys and Undyne to kiss but always failing.
He'd tried kiss cams, giving them subtle hints and all the rest. However they remained at their table eating food. Mettaton would have thrown a hissy fit but doing that in public probably isn't a good idea. He had finally given up, he wasn't to happy with himself.
It was around time too get going for Undyne and Alphys, Mettaton had came back to the table and they were all saying their goodbyes. Undyne turned over to see Alphys and said "Hey Alphys, I just want to ask you if you had fun tonight, oh and while I'm at it I'd just like to say, I love you." Undyne picked up Alphys (Since she wasn't very tall) and gave her a kiss. Alphys respond with a little squeak.
Mettaton didn't know if he wanted to squeal or scream or whatever ungodly sound was wanted to come out of his mouth at that moment.
Mettaton drove them home and went back to his house. Undyne and Alphys were really tired and just wanted to sleep so without even changing into their pajamas they both fell asleep on the couch.
(Big boi chapter here. This Is the longest chapter yet! Once again be sure to follow Alphynefan07. I'd like to thank him or her for suggesting the idea for this chapter. Anyways I'll see you next time. GOODBYE!)
1003  Words.

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