Ch.22 Criminal Scum (Short!)

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"Is this to many?" Undyne asked Alphys. They were at the supermarket buying all the grocerys and such that they needed for the week. Undyne had just thrown nearly all the NOODLES on the shelf into their trolly. "Mabye it's just a tad to much."Alphys replied. It had been two weeks since halloween and christmas was nearing, well, not really. But the stores say otherwise. They were filled with advent calendars, christmas trees, the whole works! You just couldn't escape it. Oh well, guess they'll never learn.

They drove back home and unpacked their grocerys into the cuboards. It only took them a minute to do so. They (Surprisingly) didn't watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie and instead played Uno. It actually took them a minute to dig it out of a closet. After searching up at least eighteen tutorials online they learned how to play and went along with it. Alphys ended up winning. (I would've went more in depth but I have never played Uno in my life)

Meanwhile in the void (K, please tell me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Ink lives in the void and Error in the antivoid) Ink sat all alone with nothing to do. It seemed as if five seconds was an hour here. He thought to himself what he could do today but no ideas came to him. He could make another AU but it seemed their were no more concepts that didn't have an AU of their own. Or he could go to check up on Undyne and Alphys, it had been a while. Prehaps he could g-.... He suddenly got an idea! He could get Undyne and Alphys to make an AU! I mean, they might be a little more creative today. Yeah, that's what he'd do.

Undyne and Alphys were both at work, well y'know, Undyne was doing the Police Patrol around the town and Alphys was working at her lab. Alphys was working on a teleporter but the thing was it only teleports NOODLES and nothing else. So it was pretty much perfect. Walking to the cuboards is to much of a challenge y'know? Undyne was walking up and down the same couple streets looking out for wRoNgDoErS or whatever. You had to be real careful now adays. You could find some dangerous convicts on the streets smoking chalk. You'd be petrified if you saw one.

Ink had teleported himself into Undyne and Alphys house as usual. (Hopefully not a crime) He waited outside their bedroom for a while but after two hours he started to belive they weren't there. Only a small hint. He walked around the town trying to find them before it got dark. It was only around five o'clock but it was close to the end of the year so the day went in and out quick. He went in shops, in cáfes, in librarbys buy just couldn't find them. He had checked over half the town and was starting to get nervous. He waited at the crossing to get to the other side of the street. However no cars were coming and the light was still red. He decided he'd just cross anyways because, well, it's an emergency right? Well, not really, but in his head it was.

He took two steps before he could here someone behind him shout somthing. They said "STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL, YOU'VE JUST BEEN CAUGHT J-WALKING." "Huh? Sorry wha-." Ink tried to say but was cut off by the person pushing him to the ground. He turned around to see whoever it was, probably a police officer. But then again he was only j-walking, it can't be that bad.

His theory however was correct as he turned around to see a Officer. But, this Officer was actually Undyne, who was so bored that she just tried to arrest someone for j-walking. A quick "Oh." was let out by both of them before Undyne helped Ink up. "Okay, I'm not allowed to do this but just because you're my friend I'll pretend this never happened, normally you'd get 50 years in jail, 12,000 pound fine, 2 months of community service  and in rare case be executed." Undyne said. "Uhhh.... okay then?" Ink responded.

Later when Undynes shift was over and Alphys was done with her work for the day Ink explained to them what he was going to let them do. "So, about those AU things, I kinda ran out of ideas for them and I thought you guys might have a idea." Ink said in a strange manner. "I can show you around some AUs if you need ideas aswell but I think that you two could have fun making one." Undyne and Alphys agreed and Ink took them to the void. (That's strange to write.)

"Okay then, I'll show you a list of all the AUS and you tell me what you think of it." Ink pulled out a piece of long paper out of his pocket and it fell to the ground. More of the paper continued to fall out of his pocket. After five or seconds Undyne said "Now I'm no expert but I don't think that's possible." "Oh it is." Ink responded. The paper continued to fall out of the pocket. "There's a ton of AUS."

This may take a while.

(Well while we wait for that paper to fall out completely let's take a break. By the time I release the next chapter we should be good. Sorry for the short chapter by the way. I kept you waiting. BYE!)
995 Words.

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