Ch.28 ~Epilogue~

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Life really is somthing huh? One day you're watching anime indoors, like a total loser. (A cool loser at that) And the next day, your married to the love of your life.

Alphys and Undyne had certainly came along way. Sometimes it was hard to remember how they got to the surface in the first place. It went from simple hangouts with friends to journeying through the Multiverse with a cool tour guide. Sometimes they'd ask Ink if he could take them back to Outertale, memories and atmosphere you know? Ink didn't really mind their requests, he liked the stars too. I mean, nearly everyone did.

As for Ink himself he'd changed a little too. He was giving Error a little help making friends, helping him, well, to not be so reclusive. Over time, Error and him had became wonderful friends, you might say Ink was little more, open minded? I'm not funny I know.

"Ink, I REALLY don't think this is a good idea." Error said. "Hey, don't worry, it'll be fine." Ink responded. Ink was taking Error out of the Anti-Void to help him make friends. "Who are we going to anyway?" Error questioned. "Well, you and him aren't really on friendly terms, so I thought you might wanna try to-" "It had BETTER not be that Parasite!" Error cut him off. "Yeesh, no need to shout at me, anyways, no, it's just this cool guy called Fresh." "INK!"

After a bit more searching, they found Fresh, who (For once) was actually in his own AU. They found him in the Freshtale equivalent of Grillbys. He was sitting up on one of the bar stools. Ink and Error were just standing at the door. "Well? Go on, go make a friend!" Ink said while pushing Error to Fresh. "No! I am not-" "Oh, Heya, wazz up dude? Error was cut off by you know who. "Oh boy." Error sighed mentally.

"C'mon, have a seat bro." Fresh said while patting the seat next to him. Error reluctantly sat down. "Hi." Error said. "Well a big ol' hey dude to you to." Fresh greeted. "So, wats up with u bruh?" He asked. "Not much, I might of acidently caused a proposal a while back in December, how 'bout you?" Error said. "Dat sounds, like, uber cool bro, I've just been vibing to be real, with ya dawg."

As the conversation went on, Ink watched in the backround, not that he was expecting a fight, he just had nothing better to do.
Papyrus and Sans hadn't really changed much. Not that that's a bad thing. They'd just kept up their usual antics. For example: One day Papyrus had took Sans out to a Gym to try and encourage him to be more active. And I suppose you can guess where that goes.
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "I SWEAR YOU'LL LOVE IT SANS, UNDYNE SAID SHE LIKES COMING HERE." Papyrus told Sans while they walked to the Gym. "eh, it'd be to dangerous for me with the 1hp thing, y'know?" Sans told Papyrus. "NONSENSE, IT'S REALLY SAFE." "if undyne told you she likes to go here then it's definitely not safe." "NEVERMIND IT NOW."

They walked through the automatic doors of the Gym (We're gonna pretend you don't need a membership : |) and walked into the main room with all of the materials. "IM SURE WE'LL FIND SOMETHING FOR YOU SANS." Papyrus announced to basically the whole Gym. Papyrus walked over to a 250 pound dumbbell. He picked it up with quite a lot of effort. "HERE, CATCH!" Papyrus yelled at Sans. "Wait bro, holup." But it was to late, he had already threw it towards them. Sans took a quick step to his left and luckily avoided the dumbbell. Upon hitting the ground, it made a terrible clanging noise.

Mettaton was still holding shows and whatever else he does in spare time. Most of the time, he would let Undyne and Alphys attend for free, which serves me right, since I can now merge their sections into one.
"Do we really have to go?" Undyne asked Alphys while standing out of an MTT Resort. "W-well not really, but I just t-think we should be supportive and all." Alphys said. "Yeah, I'm just kiddin', let's go." Undyne said. Undyne and Alphys walked in to the MTT Resort, they must've some janitor, because it was nearly spotless.

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