Ch.15 Entering First, Breaking After.

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It was close to 4:30 am and the entire town was sleeping. That of course would include Alphys and Undyne, however, Undyne was awakened by the sound of glass breaking, which she asumed was not good. She got up out of bed to see what was going on. When she opened the door she was greeted by a person she couldn't see. Her instinct was to grab the lamp on the table next to her, and throw it at them, but that would be stupid. She did it anyways. She yanked the lamp off the table causing the cable to break, then she threw it at the myserious person, before it hit them they started yelling; "HEY! Undyne it's only me"! "Ink"!
Ink was hit by the lamp in the face, which didn't do much damage. It fell to the ground which only worsened it's condition. "OH! Sorry"! Undyne exlamied. Ink was pretty unamused but continued talking o Undyne. "It's fine, uh Anyways, you girls ready to visit the AUS"? Undyne was pretty tired and was not up for leaving the house. "You know what time it is, right"? "No I do not"! Ink said in a happy sing song voice. "IT'S 4 IN THE MORNING"! Undyne had woke Alphys (And probably all the neighbours) after she had yelled. "Woah Woah, quite down,well if it's 4 in the morning let's have a sleepover". Undyne looked at him with a strange expression before Alphys shouted over from the bedroom "WHAT'S WRONG UNDYNE"? Undyne shouted back "NOTHING"! She turned back to Ink and thought for a second before murmuring "Well just sleep on the couch for a while". Needless to say, it was hard explaing every thing to Alphys.
(Wozas sorry that this is so late and short but the next chapter will be longer. I forgot to publish this chapter! Still, Thanks For Reading!)
317 Words.

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