Ch.10 Love Is In The Air...Or Space.

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It took a while but after 2 hours and 30 mins Alphys,Mettaton and Undyne managed to fix the roof, Mettaton left leaving Alphys and Undyne alone.
Undyne: So what did you need me for?
Alphys: Well recently I've been building a machine, it can transport you to other dimensions. It's called the "I can't think of name for this machine so I'll just say dimension hopping thing 3000 but it's sorta cringy to add 3000 to the end and it's only model 2 anyways" that's a mouth full.
Undyne: Can you repeat that?
Alphys: Well it doesn't matter anyways, I just wanted to know if you would like to test it with me?
Undyne: Sure, I mean it could be cool.
So they walked inside the machine which was rather cramped but was still bearable. There were millions (64) of buttons inside.
Undyne: Cool! Buttons! What do They do?
Alphys: Only 8 of them do stuff to be honest.
Undyne: Well that's okay.
Alphys: I'll just enter so random numbers and where it takes us.
Alphys smacked her key board before the entire room went white................................. the light finally disappeared as Undyne opened the door to reveal outer space.
Alphys: W-Woah!
Undyne: Cool!
They both walked outside and heard a noise behind them and turned around, there machine was gone.
Alphys: Great.
(I know you can't breath in space but don't question it)
Undyne was already floating around not caring about what was going on.
Undyne: Hey I see somthing over there!
She was pointing at some building over on another planet.
Alphys: Okay then, well I suppose we should head over that way.
Undyne: Hey, before we do we can just have some fun floating around here, and by the way, I'm serious when I say this but,if we don't make it out of here I'd like to tell you somthing.
Alphys: What is it?
Undyne: I ummmm...... I like you, not like friends I mean, like like you.
There was silence for a minute.
Undyne: Uhhh Alphys?
She looked down to see that Alphys has fainted.
Undyne: OH um, well I'll tell you later.
Undyne floated over to the planet and looked around, the place looked beautiful. It was unreal. She saw a person who she asumed was Sans, but he had changed his clothes, finally, his jacket had so many stains on it. I jumped over to him and said: Hey! Sans! Do you know where we are?
Sans: Huh? You aren't our Undyne!
Undyne: Okay? Where are we?
Sans: Your in Outertale.
(I can't think of somthing to say down here uh oh)
442 Words.

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