Ch.18 Is It Legal?

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Alphys and Ink went back home with Undyne who seconds before nearly killed UF!Frisk and Flowey,she was still angry,even after Ink explained that it was a diffrent human. "Undyne,you really need to let go of the situation you and Alphys had with your human, they're gone now". Ink said to Undyne. Undyne only stared back and said. "The tension is so thick in here you  could cut it with a knife". Ink and Undyne had what appeared to be a staring contest before Alphys stepped in between them. "I-I think that b-both of you should go and talk this ou-out". Ink looked strangly at Undyne. She sighed and murmerd something under her breath then said "If you say so".
Alphys told them to walk around town or something like that while she went to her lab underground. Undyne wasn't very happy but she went with it just because Alphys said it. Eventually Ink and Undyne managed to put there difrences aside and start up a conversation. It was one of the conversations your relatives would start with you like "How life going" or "How's School" but it would do for now.
They were in a mall looking through a Hot topic when Undyne let out a little "aww" sound. Ink walked over to see what was up only to see Undyne looking down at a little ring that instead of a having a diamond on top had a little Mew Mew Kissy Cutie on it. Ink didn't really comment on it. "Is it legal to marry someone with this"? Undyne asked out of the blue. "WHAT"? Ink replied, "You've been GF and GF for two weeks"! Undyne picked it up and walked over to the counter and said to Ink "It's for later".
Undyne and Ink were in a cafe skimming over the menu. They had become good friends in the last two hours. Undyne heard a familiar voice and looked up to see Papyrus and Sans enter the building. "WELL,I SUPPOSE IT'S BETTER THAN GRILLBYS, THE GREASE THERE IS JUST ,UGH, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT, SORRY IF THAT MADE YOU UPSET". "Hey bro, it's okay to espress your self". Ink hid behind the menu and whispered to Undyne. "sorry i gotta leave". He then dissappeard. Well then. Undyne left without ordering and headed to Alphys lab.
Alphys and Undyne had walked home and were just outside the door when Mettaton ran over to them from behind them saying "Hello Darlings"! "Ugh" was Undynes only reply.
428 Words.

|Undyne x Alphys| Better This WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora