Ch.26 💜Marrige💜 2/2

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(Nobody voted in the last poll so the after party will be held at their house.)
(This chapter is not very story driven, it's more or less a fun little chapter I made.)

"What a day huh?" Undyne said.

She and Alphys had just got home after getting Married, they were considerably tired, but when weren't they? "Y-yeah." Alphys replied. They were sitting down on the couch, flicking through the diffrent channels, looking for something to watch. After looking through a couple they settled on the news channel. Even if it wasn't all that intresting.

The time was 11:40AM and their party started 1:00 PM, so they still had time to relax. The whether section had begun and even if this morning the weather had been perfect that very morning, appearantly, a storm was on the way. "Well hey, Whaddya know?" Undyne commented. "H-Hopefully it's not t-that bad." Alphys said.

Undyne gave Alphys a funny look until Alphys realised what she said made her sound scared. "I-I'm not scared, it's just, if a storm is real bad then t-then they play the emergency al-alerts, that's what I'm scared of." "Well, that would make sense I guess." Undyne responded.

Undyne tried to lighten the mood up a little bit. "Uh, anyways, congratulations on, y'know, getting married." "Thanks, I suppose." The News continued, moving on from the weather to the unfortunate Coronavirus.

(If you're in a location that has been hit by the Coronavirus then I wish you all the best and if you've been infected then bless you, if you're an Atheist and don't belive in blessings then I wish you all the best.)

The news reporter talked about how in started in China and had quickly spread across the nation. "China? What's that?" Undyne asked. "Uhhh W-well, you see-" "No, wait! I think China's a factory, nearly every product I know comes from their." Undyne genuinely had no clue as to what China was. "C-China is a country, we didn't have country's underground. I did some research though and I think China is one." Alphys explained. "What's a country?" Undyne asked.

And just like that, Alphys started to explain nearly everything she knew about country's, this led on to her talking about the history of humans (No, not Anime.) Undyne didn't really get it but Alphys looked happy and as long as she was happy, Undyne was.
The time was now one o'clock, so they expecting their guests soon. They hadn't made dinner for them yet though because it would get cold by the time they were ready. They planned to play some party games when everyone arrived. Nothing to insane.

Undyne was camping at the door so when somebody rung the door bell she could open it immediately to spook them. It was an old joke, but it was still thought funny. She had been waiting at the door for five minutes before it finally rung. She immediately opened it and saw Papyrus and Sans standing outside, but none of them really had been scared. "WHY HELLO UNDYNE, HOW'S IT BEEN?" He walked in with Sans trailing behind him. "sup?" Was all he said.

After such defeat Undyne decided not to pull that trick again. She closed the door only to hear a "Ow" from outside. She quickly reopened the door and saw Ink on the ground clutching his skull with Error akwardly standing over him. "Uh, you guys okay?" Undyne asked. "He walked into the door." Error told her. "Well how was I supposed to know she was closing the door?" Ink responded to Error. "Well, she didn't know you were there, and beside, you don't just prance on into somebody's house without knocking or ringing the doorbell." Error argued. Ink sat up, no longer holding his head. "You don't just destroy universes without a reason." He said. "Oi, I have reasons." Error angrily said. "Umm, mabye you'd like to stop and come in?" Undyne akwardly asked. Ink and Error glanced at each other before saying "I guess." "Yeah." at the same time.

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