Ch. 27 An Adventurous Honeymoon (Extremely Short)

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"Y'know, mabye we should have thought this through." Alphys said.

Undyne and Alphys had just found out (The Hard Way) that planning a Honeymoon isn't easy, who would of thought? They quickly learned that holidays were expensive, not to mention a certain virus telling them no. They were really looking forward to this, but oh well, things change. It had Been Undyne and Alphys life - long dream to go to Japan. They heard that Japan looks like an anime in real life online, so that MUST be genuine.

"You know what, holidays are for nerds! Let's just go somewhere local." Undyne said. She quickly pulled her phone out from her pocket. "Yeah! We'll be so local that nobody will realise we left!" She went on Google Maps and quickly started typing in something. "Uh, what is it?" Alphys asked. "You see Alphys, I know just the place to go!" Undyne answered. Alphys peaked over Undynes shoulder to see what she was typing. "Undyne, that's our address." Undyne was in fact looking for their address on Google Maps. "Hell Yeah It Is!" Undyne exlamied. "We'll have an AMAZING Honeymoon their!" "Sure thing." Alphys replied.

Oh, the joys of staying home!

Who needs sunlight when you've got Mew Mew Kissy Cutie Season 10 am I right? So their they were, staying home watching anime, what could be better? After a binge watching of the show they got hungry so (Of Course) they got NOODLES. You can't go wrong with them. Anyways, back to anime!

This was what they spent the whole day doing. Not that this was a bad decision, they had had a great time, so what? Mabye it was a filler chapter but hey, that's okay! Nobody will suspect that.

See, we've come so far I have no ideas. But that's okay, I just need to get a A/N out, because I have important stuff to say.
Uh, anyways, yeah, Goodbye, and remember STAY DETERMINED❤!
336 Words (Pitiful Right?)

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