Ch.13 Akward.

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Undyne and Alphys stared at each other for a second or two blushing before they heard a voice in front of them. They looked up to see Ink looking at the with a happy smile. "You look lost" He didn't look like it but his voice made him sound like a 14 year ,old. "Well, yes we are actually, we're looking for a guy called Ink, your him right"? Undyne said. Ink chucked to himself. " I was gonna come up with a cheesy line like: Lost in each others eyes but okay then. Yeah I'm Ink, what or who are you looking for"? Replied Ink. "We're looking for our home in :Undertale. What ever that is".Undyne answered "OHH, you girls must be from that one weird time line, the one where the humans dead but you're on the surface! That time lines confusing so I'll leave the subject for now, anyways just follow me". Ink said happily. He opened a portal and stepped in. Undyne and Alphys were reluctant to follow but went  anyway. "You'll be fine I swear"! They stepped inside only to be in Alphys lab, in there world "Here we are! Say, if you ever want to come back I can show you around, you can meet the alternative yous". There was silence for a second "Well I'll see you later then". And with that he was gone. Undyne and Alphys looked at each other for a minute. "Didja really mean what you said back there" Alphys questioned " Of course I did! I would never lie to you". Undyne said.
She picked Alphys so she could look at her in the eyes
"I love you"
They both kissed each other for a while before they heard some shreking from behind them. Mettaton was there and started yelling at Alphys.
They both thought they're ear drums were going to explode. "Well to answer your questions I'm alive, we were in outer space I'm okay and...
She looked at Undyne who whispered to her: "only if you want to". "Yes, we are" Mettaton looked at them very confused.
"Well I'll start with a congratulations" The rest of the night Alphys and Undyne spent explaining to Mettaton. He didn't understand much of it but was low on battery anyways. They all said there goodbyes and went home. At home Alphys and Undyne watched season 7 of mewmew kissy cutie. One season a day. Once the season was over Undyne went over to get and microwave some noddles.
(I'm stuck in this thing HELP!)
446 WORDS!

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