Ch.24 ❤Christmas Special❤

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Chapter 24 Act 1: So that's what Errortale is.
So this is a problem.

Undyne and Alphys were hanging slightly above the floor of the Anti-Void. They were tied up in Errors blue strings while Error stood on the floor looking up at them. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US FREAK?" Undyne yelled out to him. "JuST A LittLe soMEThiNG." Error said. "But fIRST I musT ASK You, dO yOU reCOGniSE mE?" ".......No?" Undyne replied with a hint of sarcasm.

(Gonna stop doing that thing with the caps for Error)

"Well way back on the day you and the stupid lizard hooked up in Outertale and you asked one of the dumb Sans what had happened I saw him briefly point over at me and Ink fighting. My name's Error by the way. And I remember a voice shouting over from a far about how fighting was quote on quote cool."

All three of them stayed silent for a second before Undyne said "Just get to the point, WHY DO YOU NEED US?" Alphys stayed silent the whole time, to nervous to talk. "Well Ink is my enemy, I'm sure you know that much." "Yeah." "But Ink is your friend." "He is." "And I need to eliminate him." "Yes?" "So.." "So?" "LOOK, I'M USING YOU AS BAIT TO GET INK HERE!"

Errors voice had raised suddenly and dramaticly. More silence flooded the room before Error continued with his speech. "IF I GET HIM HERE I WON'T HAVE TO FIND HIM MYSELF, I MEAN HE'S GOT REALISE THAT YOU'RE BOTH MISSING RIGHT?" The silence had shifted from scary and menacing to somewhat of an akward tone as Error ran out of insults and points to make.

"Y'know." Error continued, "this wouldn't have happened if the Lisa simpsons looking dianasour didn't build that machine, y'know, the one with that name that's way longer than it should be?" Alphys let out a small sniffle before Undyne started yelling back to Error another ton of insults.

Alphys watched in dispair as Undyne and Error continued to argue. She knew she should tell Undyne to stop, I mean, it's like telling your kidnaper he looked ugly, which technically was what was going on. She began to wonder what would happen without her and Undyne, Papyrus would never get more cooking lessons, if Mettaton hurt himself there was nobody there to fix him and Ink, well, she could only wonder about Ink.
Chapter 24 Act 2: A pinch of regret.
"I should not have done that."

Ink was still in his home, the void. He was rolling the paper back up so it could fit in his pocket, which took even longer than it took to poor it out. He had begun feeling sorry for Undyne and Alphys. They were only being curious yet he had snapped on them. That wasn't so friendly. He was still really quiet when talking about Errortale. Anyways, how could he make it up to the them? He thought over the matter for a while before he dicided he would get them a box of chocolates. That'll do. Now, time to go get them! ....... After I roll up this paper.

This will take some time.

Mere hours later he had gotten the paper back and had bought some chocolate for them. He went to their house, rung the doorbell and waited. He waited for a couple minutes and unlike last time he wouldn't stick around for several hours and instead would look around for them (This time taking extreme care to not go without the green light appearing.) He searched until it came noon and asked every Human and Monster on the street if they'd seen a fish lady and a yellow lizard. Nobody knew. One human lady said she knew but only gave him directions to the pet store.

|Undyne x Alphys| Better This WayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora