Its your quirk! Not his!

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I like the fandom but I hate the toxic side. It's why I don't really like the fandom much. Yes I do write some BNHA stuff. And I do respect the fandom I think it's great. Just the toxic people who ruin it for me.

I don't judge anyone. This is basically towards the toxic People.

This page chapter was made by me for my own opinions of what I saw. The page wasn't made yet from the source,


1. People bash Izuocha as the most cliche and bland ship. Bakugo and Uraraka are also cliche since opposites attract They even go far to say "OH I HOPE URARAKA DIES AND DEKU DOES DISGUSTING TINGY WITH TODOROKI" They also make other ships very underrated.

2. They are part of the Yaoi fandom.

3. Even when their ships don't make sense they try to defend it in many ways even though the evidence literally doesn't match up.

4. They can't handle c r i t i s m

5. If you hate their ship they'll attack you. And roast you like a fried marshmallow.

6. They make disgusting nsfw shit.

7. They are hypocrites who push aside character development. For example Bakugo and Uraraka. Their only interaction was basically beating each other down to the U.A Festival.

8. They disrespect other people's opinions.

9. They shove gay ships down your throat.

10. They always disregard that the anime isn't only about relationships. Since it's secondary. But they ignore that this anime is about how Deku became the greatest hero.

11. They are toxic people who if they see their least favorite ships. They would be the one who would post hate comments.

12. They bash Anime Female Characters.

13. They make Deku look weak. Even though he has one for all basically in TodoDeku ships or BakuDeku ships. (This is very true. I've seen worse.)

14. They'd literally not backup their claim and make stupid evidence onto for example: BakuDeku isn't an abusive relationship Or Mineta and Todoroki is a great ship. And etc

15. Ships that won't be compatible with each other exist. Even though they barely get screen time.


17. All might x Izuku ship is legit pedophilla.

18. There was one time where the endeavor was actually going down a step to becoming a better father and change for the better. FOR SOME REASON stupid toxic fans didn't like that. And legit gave death threats and attacked and harassed the creator who made BNHA about it.

19. Toxicness over all in the community makes me vomit.

Redeeming qualities

1. Good fanart and Good fanfiction.

2. They respect and CAN take criticism.

3. They don't push aside character development and relationship development.

4. They at least explain why the ship don't work and they don't like it with good EVIDENCE.

My OpinionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin