Not every community is bad as it seems.

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😔 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yes, every fandom that exists. Bad people will always come and ruin everything. It's probably why we don't have good things in life. But not all fandoms are toxic and baddest for example Furry Community.

The bad side of the furry fandom is definitely true. But the good side of the furry fandom is why people want to be in the fandom.

Lots of people always judge furries that never did anything wrong. Or even haters that hate the fandom and actually blame the creation because of the whole fan base.

Especially when people hate Undertale because of the fan base. It's not Toby Fox's fault since he can't control the fan base. Heck I would even be disgusted myself if I was Toby Fox or had a fan base who basically are toxic people and act total assholes to other people.

The fandom isn't what's bad.


The bad side, the toxic people make the fandom bad and what it even is. There even are other good people who just make awesome and epic fanart. And want to make the game look good.

Heck I didn't know BNHA anime fanbase was toxic. I kinda dislike it because of the toxic people but not the good side of the fandom.

All fandoms have good sides. It's just bad people lost brain cells and just draw disgusting nsfw art or even act assholes and can't take criticism and are total hypocrites.

Even the Yaoi Fandom! It's a cool fandom. Despite well... the toxic and dumb common sense of character development or relationship development. And people attacking each other on who's ships better. It's still a good fandom to be in.

Not all fandoms are bad.

I'm in the undertale fandom myself. And I met a lot of amazing people. And have inspiration to write undertale stuff.

Don't judge anyone if they never had these qualities. If you hate the fandom and just accuse the innocent people that are in the fandom total assholes and perverted people. Your just as bad as they are.

Don't spread hate basically it's like a virus of a banana that got infected.

There's going to be assholes in life.
And there's going to be good human decent beings in life.

Don't look at the fandom as a whole bad fandom but just look at the bad side while looking good on the good side.

There probably even sane peeps in the fandom who think exactly what you do about the toxic fandom shet.

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