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The most toxic of all.


1. There are a lot of SJW fans of the show.
They bullied a Steven Universe fan-artist named Zamii to the point that she attempted suicide just because she drew a character (Rose Quartz) from the show as thin.
The worst part about this is that the fans called her parent's numbers and also called almost EVERY hospital in her state to ask her if she was there. They even made plans to contact a children's hospital she was volunteering at to "warn" them about her.
This shows how insane the fans are.
Good thing that she is in good condition... for now. Also many users from Tumblr, Pixiv, Patreon, DeviantArt showed their sympathy to Zamii, Also the 4chan users as well but with a different twist... BY WHITEWASHING THE CHARACTERS!
Atleast CN also revealed that Rose Quartz was skinny all along because she was actually you guess it: Pink Diamond!

2. Too many shipping wars between Lapidot and Amedot, to the point that some fans harassed one of the storyboard artist Lauren Zuke for the show on Twitter and made her delete her Twitter account simply over a character ship.

3. When SpongeBob won favorite cartoon for KCA 2016 instead of Steven Universe, a lot of annoying fans from this fandom whined and complained over it and hated on SpongeBob SquarePants just for that.

4. The fans worship and obsess over Peridot and involve her in many cringy ships, memes, and even in other fandoms

5. There was an episode called Keystone Motel, and there is actually a motel called that so fans of the show wrote fake bad reviews on the motel, which could actually destroy people's jobs.

6. A Japanese cosplayer got death threats and harassment just because they cosplayed Garnet in a lighter color.

7. Awestruck Vox who is a big fan of Steven Universe (he has an entire YouTube channel dedicated to it) bullied a kid with cancer on Twitter because he got the new episodes early and accidentally spoiled the new episodes of the show.

8. Someone on Tumblr got death threats for shipping Pearl and Mayor Dewey because Pearl is a lesbian and she will never fall for a man

9. Some white girl on Tumblr cosplayed Amethyst and got hate for it because they claimed she was cosplaying a character of color
Some fans on Twitter harassed Rebecca Sugar for including a racist stereotype in the Steven Universe Arts and Origins Book known as Concrete

10. They claim that they are the true fans of Steven Universe, but in reality they are just idiotic fans who only tolerate hate, intolerance and bigotry against other fans including Zamii and others even though the show itself does the exact opposite. They are known as SUtards.

11. A majority of them can't take criticism and always making a counter-argument about it.
They worship and obsess over Steven Universe to death and claim it's the best cartoon ever. There have been instances on YouTube where people have gotten death threats and harassment on their YouTube channels and comment sections if you say you don't like the show

12. They ignore most of the facts and only care about their feelings.

13.,They're hypocrites to the some Fan-artists who draws the style that they wanted too (Including Zamii!).

14.,Many of them are part of the Teen Titans Go! hatedom because they believe Cartoon Network hates Steven Universe and only cares about Teen Titans Go!, which is not true.
Some people will attack you if you don't ship Lapidot.

15. Some songs in the show like Stronger Than You, It's Over Isn't It, Do It For Her, Here Comes A Thought are literally worshipped by fans and some claim they are the best songs in any cartoon ever.

16. Some fans even gave death threats to Undertale fans for making remixes of Stronger Than You.
Because of that they start flame wars with the Undertale Fandom.

17. Some of them tend to make disgusting R34 (Mostly out of Peridot and Pearl).

18. The worst part is that Steven and Connie are underaged, and that makes them pedophiles for drawing Rule 34 of them.
More recently, some fans harassed Susan Egan, the voice actor of Rose Quartz, on Twitter, merely over her character.

Redeeming Qualities

1. A lot of them do make good fan art of the SU characters especially in Anime-style.
Most of them make very good and funny animations.

2. They make entertaining song covers and remixes.

3. They do have point that their Fandom is notoriously Toxic and needs to stop being Bad especially for the Cartoon Community.
Some of them can accept criticism and opinions.

4. Although that the fandom is seemingly bad, the hatedom can also be just as bad.
Some of the SJW's that bullied Zamii were arrested.

5. The fandom has calmed down and has gotten a lot more chill recently.

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