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Disclaimer! If people do use tumbler, dont feel bad if people say pretty bad things about it. Maybe it's true or not. But Tumbler itself will only be bad if people in there make it to be for everybody else.

If your a good person who uses tumbler then you shouldn't be judged for using it, if you don't make things bad for everyone else. :3

Anyways the show musssst go on.

Hey guys, Reader-Chan here! So anyone heard of tumbler? Yeah I never used it but I heard some pretty interesting things about it...

Don't take it from experience because personally I never used tumbler, and when I heard of these things I'm just saying my opinion because I think Tumbler has pretty much a good side to it and a bad side.

So I did in some digging. And as you all know, and if you don't. Tumbler is basically known for its toxic platform and such and a pretty much bad reputation.

Tumbler were probably doing good back then I hope, but it all went downhill.

And there was Feminism, we all should know what it is, but if you don't, I will just sum it up is that

Feminism is basically where people that are feminist work for equality between genders, and if people are feminists, then good for you!

But there are also stupid feminisim...
And example of that is right down there.

All the images I got was from that website.

In my opinion of that blog, I-I think men are people because I met some pretty chill dudes

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In my opinion of that blog, I-I think men are people because I met some pretty chill dudes. And they seemed great. ◎▼◎

Not all guys are complete jackass jerks, and that's just like saying girls are complete snobs, which isn't always true since some girls out there can pretty chill and nice hooman beings! OwO

Not all guys are complete jackass jerks, and that's just like saying girls are complete snobs, which isn't always true since some girls out there can pretty chill and nice hooman beings! OwO

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You know...

If someone doesn't reply to your vents or problems. Maybe it's because they don't know how to help you. Honestly if you think you have BPD you should get professional help. And get diagnosed for it if your not sure.

I mean I don't have bpd so I really dunno what your going through. And I hope they're doing fine right now.

Obesity is a serious thing and can affect someone's daily life

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Obesity is a serious thing and can affect someone's daily life. I'm no professional. But obesity is serious. There's a difference of accepting yourself, and being obese and doing nothing about it and continue treating yourself unhealthy.

There were lots of SJW's and other people kept treating mental illnesses as a good thing. And it's glorified. And depression and bipolar and anxiety are meant to be great? I don't think it should.

Being mentally illed, having depression, or anxiety is not really good and shouldn't be glorified since it's not really a nice thing to have.

I'm not diagnosed for anxiety actually I don't even know if I do, but I know myself I have a overthinking problem.

Another reason was that there are made up sexualities that make the LGBTQ Community look bad. And people keep promoting pedophilla as a sexuality. And pedosexuality shouldn't be a thing. That just stands for pedophilla. Like I said, LGBTQ is a acceptance community. There's a whole lot difference of a full grown man loving a underage child romantically and sexualizing them.

But there's also a good side to it as well.

There are pretty decent comics on tumbler, and I love the concept and creativity on there. or even ask a series blog which I think was a pretty cool thing.
And fanart there was pretty decent ad well. I haven't used tumbler but I did go on tumbler website once. You'll find some decent fanart.

SJW topics would be uncommon depending on users you follow. There are also some people who are highly against pedophilia and SJW topics. And Unlike DeviantArt, it is rare to see fetish artists.

Tumbler has its ups and downs, but in my opinion. It's only as bad when people make it seem to be.

Same wording for fandoms, fandoms aren't automatically bad. There just people who just shit in the pool, and ruin it for everybody.

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