for the People acting edgy

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We all have our phases and moments.

And sometimes it cringy and some of us probably regret it and some don't.
I probably talked about this before. But if your pointing out to someone that's being edgy. I know how you feel sometimes it gets annoying "pretending to be a psychopath so cute owo" or "ahhh I'm harming myself. So CUTE QUIRKY- news flash. It's NOT.

And people being negative and acting like edgy hoomans have no chance of turning back is just plain stupid. No matter how they're acting. Everyone probably just has a bad state of mind or have a reason they're doing it.

But just saying: "your fucking disgusting. A bastard." Or "bruh lmao get off the Internet 5 year old." It probably is a joke but remember that other person has a life and there's a human behind that computer screen. And they probably felt hurt when you say those things.

I can't stop negativity. No one can because it's inevitable but maybe we could just somehow stop brewing it and making it spread cause it won't help anyone else.

I'm not asking for people to be nice. I'm asking for people to be mindful and considerate of who they're talking to.

If your just being negative and telling them to go fuck themselves then your just worse as they are. And your below them.

Some people will just kindly try to point out that they should stop being edgy and we all been there. Some people just go as far being negative for no REASON.

Negativity won't help anyone.
It just fuels what your trying to say more then your trying to make it in a bad way.

But that's just my OPINION. But I feel it may as well be a fact.

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