Yuri On Ice

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Did my research
Correct me if I'm wrong!

1. They always used the 'you are HomoPhobic' card. For example you say series ain't good. They use it.

2. They think shipping Gay ships making them LGBTQ+ even though your just shipping something gay?

3. The shippers. Always something with the shippers. Honestly I expected it. XD

4. If ships aren't meant to be canon. They will always deny and deny and all that turning it to be toxic.

5. The series have flaws. But they just can't accept it and will just push aside logic and defend it and again use "OmG yOu ArE HOmOPHobIc ahgdakgekxgw"

6. They obviously came from the Yaoi Fandom.

7. Have a ship that they don't like? They're going to hunt you and brutally beat you up. Like this is always in some fandoms.

8. Same with the HomoPhobic card thing. Is that if you speak your own opinion. They will always use it against you. Or even gang up on you even.

9. Fans fight each other over ships. Calling fans whom like a certain ship, pedophilers and support pedophilla. (Example Otayuri)

10. The anime man spoke just one opinion on about the animation content and all. And I guess he got harassed and attacked just because he shared his opinion. I don't know bout the matter. It's passed now. :/ honestly wish fans just can accept criticism that the YoI isn't the best anime around.

11. They disrespect real actual figure skaters.

12. Toxic Fujoshis.

1. Good fanart

2. Some fans respect people's opinions.

3. Some fans respect ships and are decent human beings.

4. Some make good fanart.

5. It can just be as bad as the hatedom.

6. All fandoms will always have their toxic name. But it doesn't mean it will always be a bad fandom. It's just that the community makes it look bad.

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