Anime Community>~<

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Note: not everyone is like this. As I said in previous chapters.


1. This community is incredibly petty and insensitive. If you so much as mispronounce any Japanese word by even one syllable, refer to an anime as a cartoon, or criticize their favorite anime in the slightest form, they will harass you.I SO REMEMBER THIS ASIAN PERSON LITERALLY WAS LIKE: "ITS NEKO NOT NEEE-KO.

2. They cause flame wars everywhere, from the smallest of things in their beloved anime, from characters, to animation, to huge issues like their abilities, and rivalies. The most notorious being Goku and Vegeta, as well as Naruto and Sasuke. They cause petty rivalries which each other too.

3. Weeaboos. Enough said.

4. For the love of God, do NOT use international titles for anime. If you do, at least one person will "correct" you and insist you use the Japanese title instead.

5. They're so easily offended that it's pathetic. They fail to realize that acting like this will cause people to bully them even more, which will consequently make anime fans even more sensitive and it creates an endless cycle of ignorance and rude behavior.

6. The elitists. They think they're above all other members because they watch better anime or they watch it in Japanese instead of foreign-language dubs. They even insist that their opinions are facts, such as the quality of an anime.

7. Most members are hipsters who think they're special because they don't watch mainstream anime and only watch obscure titles. Contrary to their belief, they aren't.

8. The dub vs. sub debate.

9. They give anime a really bad reputation that it does not deserve. Because of this anime has the same reputation as the Sonic series.
They believe that Cory in the House is an anime and consider it to be the best anime ever, but it wasn't even an anime to begin with since Cory in the House is a live-action Disney Sitcom.

10. They also consider Shrek, Motu Patlu, King of the Hill and Bee Movie to be animes when they're made outside Japan.

11. They don't keep their embarrassing personal stuff to themselves and spread it in public, such as having dakimakura (anime body pillows) and try doing sexual stuff with it for everyone to see. To make this situation worse is that most of the characters are underage, thus making them borderline pedophiles.
They caused The Anime Hatedom to grow largely and now too much of the irrational anime haters are trying to ban anime.
Most of the elitists who watch anime with little to no fanservice attack people who watch school, Moe, Ecchi, Battle, Shonen, and Slice Of Life (its okay to like them as long if you're not doing anything bad).

12. The anime community on twitter.

13. Like the Cartoon Network Hatedom, they only watch anime on anime piracy sites, and not on legal streaming services such as Netflix, Crunchyroll, Funimation, and more. They claim it's because of the small selection of anime on those sites, but there's a reason why certain shows and movies don't see the light of day outside of Japan. What they don't realize is that if they continue to pirate anime, studios won't be able to produce any more anime.
BEST GIRL debate, Some anime fans seemingly like their favorite female anime characters which refers them as Waifus!
They'll say you have a poor taste if you watch some anime that they don't like.
Most of the Ecchi haters think that only perverts and pedophiles watch Ecchi anime which is not true.

14. A lot of anime fans are extremely disrespectful to anyone who might like not anime for a specified reason, and usually they'll attack the person just for not liking anime.

15. The classic anime elitists: They constitute the worst of nostalgia's in the internet, throwing hissy fits and obnoxious comments against modern versions of anime they love, and attacking people who praise them in the slightest.

16. Some anime fans are a part of the toxic meme community.

17. Their actions are causing the anime industry itself and reputation to fall apart.

18. They are the biggest reason why Myanimelist's scoring system is flawed.

19. They Worship DBZ, Attack on Titan, One Punch Man, Bleach, One Piece, The 4Kids Dub of Sonic X, Ultimate Muscle, and mostly Naruto and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as the best animes ever even though they are not!

Redeeming qualities

1. Not all members of the Anime community are toxic, there are some of them are sane and fine.

2. Some members of the community do agree to the casual themed animes especially the genre is School, Moe, Ecchi-Harem, Isekai, Gijinka and Fanservice.

3. Some Anime fans or Otakus do cosplay of their favourate Anime characters.

4. Others do Nightcore remixes of non-Anime songs mostly Pop genre as well as putting their favourite characters on the remixes.

5. Meanwhile on Pixiv, DeviantArt, Zerochan and sometimes in Danbooru (or Safebooru) there are a lot of Anime artworks featured there and if there's NSFW artworks at least they're filtered with mature tags.

6. Speaking of Anime fan-arts, some members of the Anime community do artworks of their favourate videogame and cartoon characters in Anime-art style.

7. A lot of fans do make good reviews on every Anime series they loved.

8. Although that the fandom is seemingly toxic, the hatedom is just as bad.

9. Some of the Anime community pay respects to the people who died in the arson of Kyoto Animation studios. A lot of them made a tribute for the animes that they've been made.

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