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1. SHOCKINGLY even this fandom has porn, even though it is rare, there's a porn of characters who are intentionally designed to look dumb and/or ugly, seriously its a Bully and Playtime. They're also children.

2. Fans often make "DARKKK" theories for the game, despite the fact that the game paraodies and makes fun of horror games with overly deep lore.

4. Mostly from FNAF fandom and UT fandom and BATIN fandom and CUphead fandom , the vyond community and the Garfielf ironic fandom(the later is mainly because of infamous mod Garfelfs's guide and the secrets within.

(Imma copy and paste this since my hands hurt)

5. Baldi fangirls. Enough said.

6. Like many video game fandoms, many of them are children, edgy teenagers, and manchildren.

7. Terrible ships, such as Baldi x Principal of the Thing, Baldi x Playtime, Arts and crafters x Gotta Sweep, Playtime x Bully and 1st Prize x Player mostly appearing on DeviantArt.
Speaking of the ship between Baldi and Principal of the Thing, this shows that they think Baldi and Principal of the Thing are gay. McGonigal once claimed that Baldi had a wife, which could suppose that Baldi is heterosexual.

8. There is even Baldi x Player!
Not to mention, they believe Arts and Crafters is a female, when McGonigal confirmed that Arts and Crafters is a male.

9. Speaking of which, they treat the game's characters like sex symbols.

10. They draw a lot of terrible fanart and write a lot of horrible fanfictions.

11. Speaking of the fanart, they draw the characters with looks that they consider "cute" and "kawaii", instead of drawing them with their poorly-made designs.

12. PlaceFace is a placeholder sprite McGonigal used for A.I. testing. Many YouTubers from the fandom use it as a clickbait machine by pretending that it's how the player's character would look like when the player actually looks like this.

13. They don't just like the game, they worship it like it's the next Five Nights at Freddy's.
They killed The Meme Community with a lot of memes including character quotes from the game.

14. They can't take even the slightest form of criticism towards the game. For example, one BBIEAL fan vandalized the page for it on the Crappy Games Wiki, which shows that they didn't read the entire page.

15. Youtubers use PlaceFace (the placeholder sprite used for A.I. testing) as a clickbait machine by pretending that it is the player.
At one point, Baldi's page on the unofficial BBIEAL Wiki had the main Baldi sprite replaced with yaoi art of him. Let that sink in for a minute.

16. Fans treat Baldi like a sex symbol and sexualize him a lot on Deviantart and Tumblr!
Some People draw him thicc.

17. The Baldi Modding Community is constantly copying Garfelf's Guide!

18. Baldiette. Enough said.

19. Baldisexual (Baldi isn't even a gender. wtf?)

20. There are some annoying kids in the Baldi's Basics Modding Community that make dumb requests for mods to other Baldi Modders. Sometimes, they even force the modders to do their ideas.
21. The beggers can also force the modders to work on their upcoming title(s).

22. Some people draw Arts and Crafters as a girl, even though he was confirmed to be male.
Many Artists on tumblr ship their take of Baldi with another artist's take of Baldi!

23. Baldi vore. Enough said.

24. Once there was a DeviantArt user named BaldiLegit who asked many other users disgusting things like "Draw fat Baldi", "Draw Playtime with huge boobs" and "Draw Baldi x Thicc Chara", thankfully he got terminated from DeviantArt

Finally redeeming qualities.

1. Some of them can make good fanart and fanfiction.

2. There are mature fans who can take criticism.

3. Some of them also develop great fangames of their own like Advanced Edcuation with Viktor Strobvoski, Baldis Unreal Basics, and Alex's Basices in Biology and Zoology.

4. There are also cool mods like: Billy's Basics, Curran's Clues in Boo Boo Stuff, Baldi Basics the old laboratory, Retros Basics in fun activities, and maddens basics in football and memes, (the first baldi mod created.)

5. They have been mostly inactive as of 2019

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