*Cue Gravity Falls *

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Me: sighs I'm done with humanity man.
Jacksepticeye was right.
Fuck Humans. -_-
We weren't even suppose to exist MY GOD-


1. It is full of Vailskiscumbags.

2. It helped to ruin the reputation of the Cartoon Community along with the Steven Universe Fandom, Star vs The Forces Of Evil Fandom, My Little Pony Fandom and hatedom, and other shows.

3. They don't just like Gravity Falls, they worship it.

4. They can't respect opinions on Gravity Falls and bash on anyone who dislike it.

5. They overexaggerate Bill Cipher's powers, and they want him to win every battle he's being put on. For example, when Bill lost to Asriel Dreemurr in an episode of "Animation Rewind", they constantly whined to it.
They worship Mabel like she's the flawless and greatest character of all time, despite her BIGGEST flaws.

6. Even worse, they also lie about facts!
They are currently harassing the creator of Gravity Falls, Alex Hirsch, to make a Season 3, though it was his decision to end this show completely.

7. They have bad shippings like BillDip and Dipper x Mabel, which is incest (here, it's called "Pinecest").

8. When SpongeBob won for favorite cartoon for KCA 2016 instead of Gravity Falls, a lot of annoying fans from this fandom whined and complained over it and hated on SpongeBob SquarePants just for that.

9. They bombed WatchMojo's "Top Ten Hated Disney Animated Shows" with dislikes because Gravity Falls was placed number 7 on that list. Despite WatchMojo writing apology posts about it, they still kept bashing them as if they performed an unforgivable sin.

10. They compare to majority mystery cartoon and think it's a ripoff including Welcome To The Wayne and Hilda despite receiving positive reviews and successor to respective companies, Victor And Valentino, and Over The Garden Wall that have nothing do with it and no sign of the same feature.

11. It's filled with 9-year-olds, manchildren and womanchildren who can't handle other people's opinion on the show.
There is WAY too many fanart that depicts Bill as a human that it's creepy.

12. The infamous "Dipper Goes to Taco Bell" fanfiction. It's NOT what you think it is. Please don't read the fanfic I didn't read it but it's very horrible so don't.
Speaking of which, there are many awfully written fanfics.
Some of them are pedophiles since some of them draw Rule 34 fan art of Mabel, Pacifica and Dipper who are only little kids.
Not only that but some even draw Rule 34 of Bill Cipher! Which doesn't make any sense, since triangles don't have genitals.
Even worse, some of them draw Dipper and Mabel having sex (as stated in WIS 9). WHAT.
It's so bad that it makes the hatedom look good!

12. They keep saying "it's not for kids" (probably to make them feel more mature) when in reality, the show is rated TVY7, which means the show is for ages 7 and up.

Redeeming Qualities

1. Mature fans can handle criticism

2. Good fanart.

3. Respects opinions and such.

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