925 14 5

sorry for not posting and the chapters being horrible

i walk downstairs into the darkness. we got back from the beach around an hour ago and literally everyone fell asleep.

i walk downstairs and into the basement, closing the door behind me. i turn on the bright neon lights that shine different colours every two seconds.

something catches my eye, something i've never noticed before. a mini door in the corner of the room. something out of a cliche movie.

i walk over to it, realising that this is where the weights used to be, before someone moved them when everyone was sleeping. weird i know. no one admitted to moving around the equipment in the basement so we kinda just left it,

my hands brush against the door handle and i pull it open, seeing a room filled with chains. something out of a kidnapping movie. i crawl inside, making sure the door stays open behind me and i grab my phone flashlight. i look around, seeing chains and handcuffs strapped to the walls, as well as blood and knives scattered around.

it becomes to much for me and i crawl out of the room, closing the door behind me. i rush over to the basement stairs and run up them, opening the door. i walk out and close the door behind it, my breathing heavy as i lean against the wall in the darkness.

what was that?

i walk over to the couch and sit down, ending up falling asleep.


"y/n wake up" someone shakes me and i push them away. "y/n" i open my eyes, seeing grayson and ethan standing there. i sit up a little, looking at them. "what?" i ask softly.

"where did you go last night?" grayson asks and i look at him confused. "i didn't go anywhere. i went to get a drink, sat down and fell asleep" i lie, ethan's eyebrow raising the slightest bit and i know he doesn't believe me.

"okay" grayson shrugs. "ethan is just a baby and didn't see you next to him when he woke up and thought you got murdered or something" he says and i look at him. "or kidnapped" i respond, earning an eye roll from grayson and ethan stays quiet.

"oh baby i didn't mean to scare you" i run my fingers through his hair and he looks at me. "it's okay. as long as you're okay" he gives me a smile and i smile back.

"well i'm going to make breakfast for everyone" i remove myself from the conversation as i get up from the couch, walking over to the kitchen.

i hear footsteps rushing downstairs and i look over, seeing froy in his gym wear. "you going into the basement?" i ask nervously and he nods. "oh well um.." i try to think of something to say, "i'm making some breakfast so i'll bring some down if you want?" i offer and he smiles.

"that would be great thanks" he gives me a warm smile before walking into the basement, causing my heart rate to speed up. i make breakfast and set it out onto plates.

"breakfast is ready!" i call and pretty much everyone comes running to the kitchen. i roll my eyes and grab two plates, wandering towards the basement. i open the door and wander down the stairs, the loud music filling my eyes.

i spot froy and walk over to him, freezing when i notice he is looking in the little room. "i got breakfast!" i say happily and he jumps, slamming the door shut and i look at him confused.

"thanks y/n" he says kindly, grabbing the plate from me and i put mine down. "what's that?" i ask, half already knowing what it is.

"uh nothing. it's nothing" he says nervously and i open the door before he could stop me, i crawl halfway in, looking around.

"ETHAN!" froy says quickly and i fall out of the room as froy pulls me out, closing the door and i look over, seeing ethan walking down the stairs. i give him a big smile.

"hi eth" i say kindly and he gives me a smile, walking over to us. "what are you doing?" he asks, sitting down next to us. "just discussing things about youtube drama" froy says and i laugh, thinking about how that has to be one of the stupidest things ever.

ethan's eyes land on the door of the mini room and you can see his face turn to nervous. my eyebrow raising a little. "okay well i'll go back upstairs then" he practically runs out of the basement.

froy and i look at each other. "i'm going to go talk to him" i say and he nods, i grab my plate and walk upstairs. i open the door, stopping when i hear their voices.

"do you think she saw the door. or the room?" ethan asks worried and i stand there. "you think that was what she was doing last night. she could have went into the room" chase says and i look down.

"what do we do?! that's not even ours! if she sees it, she's going to think we are psychopaths" ethan speaks and the door closes behind me, causing them to stop talking and i decide i should probably walk.

MY BOY | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now