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very very long chapter

"thank you for doing this" i glance over at cooper in the drivers seat, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel. he tilts his head to look at me, giving me a quick glance before concentrating back on the road.

"no need to thank me" the car comes to a stop, outside of our family home. "i haven't told anyone you're coming back, as far as they know. you 'fled the country' after being kidnapped" he speaks and i nod, letting the air stuck in my throat out.

"where was i?" i ask, goosebumps spreading over my skin because of the cold air. his eyebrows furrowing, trying to remember. "australia i think?" i let out a small scoff.

"couldn't have thought of anything closer? hawaii?" the sarcasm drips from my lips and he rolls his eyes.

"are you sure you want to do this? leaving ethan and all? they will try to figure out where you are" he warns me as my eyes travel around the street, stopping at the house across the road. dylan. his window wide open, his light on.

he is sitting on his bed, his head in his hands. he gets up, walking over to the boxing bag. i let out a sigh.

"i wouldn't be here right now if i wasn't certain i want this" i say softly and he nods, i go to grab my bags but he slaps my hands away.

"i got them. just prepare yourself for mom and dad" he grabs my bags as i take a deep breath, trying to calm the nerves.

he starts making his way towards the door, my feet quickly following after him. not wanting to be left outside alone.

he unlocks the door, there's a click before he pushes the door open with his shoulder. he walks inside the house. my feet start to slow down, preparing myself. i haven't seen my family in almost a year, something like that.

i step inside the house, closing the door quietly behind me. "they're in the kitchen. dylan's parents are over" he whispers as he places my bags near the stairs.

"oh cooper is home!" a familiar voice speaks happily as i follow behind cooper. "there's my boy!!" my dad speaks and i can tell there is a smile on his face.

cooper looks back at me, nodding his head for reassurance and i slowly step into the kitchen. the room goes silent as the four parents in the room stare at me.

"y/n" my mom sighs in relief rushing over to me. she wraps her arms tightly around me, my arms slowly doing the same back. "i was so worried about you, after we got the news about you being kidnapped, then you went to australia-" my mom starts blurting everything out, her voice sounding choked up.

"i'm okay mom. i'm back. i'm safe" i hug her tightly as my dad walks over. i let go of my mom and wrap my arms around my dads shoulders, standing on my tip toes to hug him. he lets out a excited laugh as he hugs back, pulling me off the floor.

"you've grown." he smiles widely. "it's good to be back" i whisper. dylan's parents give me a welcoming hug before we all sit around, my mom practically in tears. everyone starts asking me questions about australia, not wanting to pressure me about being kidnapped. funny, i know more about the experience of being kidnapped than going to australia.

i make up as many answers as i possibly can, cooper trying to change the conversation every two seconds, knowing i have no idea what i'm talking about.

"where's dylan?" i ask softly, trying to completely change the subject. "he's at home. you should go over. i'm sure he will love to see you again" his dad speaks and i nod, a smile tugging at my lips.

"tell him to stay the night" my dad suggest and i get up. i wander towards the front door, stepping out before running across the road.

i knock on the door, hearing loud muffled music stop before the door starts opening.

MY BOY | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now