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this is a very long chapter. probably the longest chapter in this book, mainly because it's got bug flashbacks but oh well. enjoy :) xoxo

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"so.. i never got your name.." i look up at the boy in front of me, the puppy rolling around in front of me.

"clayton.. but you can call me clay" he gives me a small smile as i play with the puppy. "i'm y/n" i say softly, earning a bigger smile.

for some reason, this guy is making myself feel better about being here. "tell me something about yourself" he speaks up as he leans back on his elbows.

"i've been kidnapped before" i say casually, getting a shocked look in response. "i'm sorry.. what?!" he asks.

"last year. this guy drugged me and kidnapped me from a random party. took me to his huge house where he lives with his brother and like 6 of their friends and we ended up becoming really close" i sigh, "we got together.. then he got arrested and now well... he's back and we are happy.. were happy. he's probably furious right now" i look up at clay. he clears his throat.

"sounds like the plot of a movie" he replied to my big story. i nod, a small chuckle leaving both of us. "cliche i know" i say defeated.

"i'm sorry" he says quickly, i don't say anything, playing with the adorable puppy in front of me.

"CLAYTON!" a loud booming voice tumbled through the building. "shit" clay bolts out of the room, taking his pup with him.

i let out a loud sigh, looking around the room that i still haven't recognised. my eyes land on something in the left corner of the room opposite me.

i crawl over to it, my whole body still weak from being trapped in here. photos of ethan and i from before he was arrested. a few from the beach. the memory flooding my mind.

I look over at our stuff on the beach. A figure in full black staring at us from the beach causing an uneasy feeling in my stomach as I glance back at the figure.

"Uh Grayson.." I say softly as I watch the guy pull out his phone, aiming it at us.

Ethan looks over at me.

"Grayson" I say a little louder but he doesn't hear me, his attention on the boys as they mess around.

"Ethan" I say a little too panicked as I look at him, seeing his attention already on me.

"There's a person on the beach taking photos of us" I say quietly.

"Stand in front of me, your back towards the beach" he says and I nod as I stand in front of him. He splashes me with water as I gasp, he watches behind me as he splashes me again and again. Me splashing him back.

He smirks lightly as he looks down at my bra.

"Yoo Dolan. Focus" I say as I splash him.

ones from around the house. my heartbeat starts getting faster as i start flipping through the photos quickly until they land on the ones from my bathroom. me in the shower, before i disappear for a few seconds, arriving back with the guys in the next few photos.

"I don't have any books.." I mumble as Ethan looks at me confused.

"What..?" He asks.

"I don't have any books.." I point to the book on the drawers as I walk over.

"Secret Camera" he sighs as he grabs it. Grayson walks into the room and I look over at him.

"You Guys May want to see this.." he looks at both of us worried and Ethan and I look at each other.

tears fill my eyes as i remember everything, the vivid memories that keep on coming because of these photos. an uneasy feeling filling my stomach.

I walk into the living room, seeing all the boys with heaps of I'm guessing hidden cameras.

"Every single room has a camera and we have located most of them. I looked on the back of this and it says there are 14 but we only have 13" Alex says as he stands up. My heart drops.

"We've been in every room. closet. Cupboard. Bathroom. The basement." Cameron adds.

"Except for my bathroom" I mumble as I look at the pile of cameras.

My eyes widen as I start to have an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"Oh my god.." I mumble. As the boys look at me.

"What?" Aaron asks confused and I run back upstairs, the boys chasing after me as I run into my room.

I walk into my bathroom. Ethan following behind me.

I search around, trying to find something that seems out of place. Getting nervous.

"I found something" Froy says as he grabs onto the hanger that holds up the towels that is across from the shower, the perfect view of inside the shower. (Ewww)

I gasp as he unscrews it from the wall. Looking at it.

"It's a hidden camera. That's the 14th one" He sighs as he throws it to Alex.

I walk over to where the hook was. Standing where it was at I turned to face the shower, being able to see inside.

"Oh no no no no" I mumble as I start feeling gross.

"Y/n..." Ethan says as he looks at me. Rubbing my back slowly.

"What's going on?" Grayson asks confused.

"How did I not notice. It was right there in front of me and I didn't even notice" I panic.

"What was?!" Grayson asks.

"She took a shower and the hidden camera would have saw it because it was facing the shower" Ethan says quickly as I walk out of the room.

"How was you know that?" Aaron asks weirdly.

"I went to ask if she noticed anything and she panicked because she forgot to close the door. That's it" Ethan rolls his eyes.

"Wait so let me get this straight. That camera is spying on you." Cameron says as he crosses his arms, looking at me.

"Well I don't know. We don't know that for sure" I say as I sit on my bed looking down at the floor.

"Your bathroom was the only one with a camera. The guy at the beach was staring at you" Grayson sighs as he sits next to me.

"Guys what do I do? That camera-" I groan lightly as I fall backwards onto my bed, grabbing a pillow covering my face.

before i know it, a vile substance spills form my mouth and onto the floor. i drop the photos, groaning in pain as i start feeling dizzy.

the world around me starts to fade as everything starts disappearing before i collapse, blacking out on the cold concrete floor.

MY BOY | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now