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"put your hoodie on. grab the charger and tequila. we will sneak out the window" i whisper and dylan looks at me shocked.

"oh come on! we've snuck out before!" i whine and he nods. "no i know. just grab a dress or something. it's friday night" he smirks and i feel a smirk forming on my lips.

i go to my closest, grabbing a bag. i throw in a tight full sliver, sparkly short dress along with some matching heels. i put in some make up, grab some perfume and whatever else i need.

we walk over to the window, hearing chatter becoming closer to my room. i open the window and dylan slides out, landing on the roof. he grabs the bag from me, along with his stuff. i swing my leg over the window ledge.

he grabs my arm, helping me balance on the roof. i close the window as my bedroom door opens. i catch a glimpse of ethan and cooper, both dylan and i ducking. we sneak down the side of the house and run across the road, running into his house.

we run upstairs and into his room, closing the curtains before placing everything down. "we did it" i pant as dylan let's out a laugh.

i grab the dress out of my bag, not caring if dylan is with me. we change in front of each other all the time, it's a normal thing. i take off his hoodie and my leggings. i slide the dress on, fixing it in his mirror before starting to do my make up as he gets ready.

we both finish getting ready and i grab my heels, strapping them on before we grab our phones. "where's this so called party?" i ask.

"it's down the street. everyone is going" he speaks as he holds out his hand. "it would be easier to walk. so we can both drink then come back to mine" i grab his hand, our fingers intertwining together as i agree.

"stay with me the whole night okay? you're not leaving my side" my voice is quiet as we walk downstairs.

"i'm not letting go of you. don't worry. i'll protect you" he reassures me as we sneak outside, making sure we can't be noticed before walking down the street.

"it's been so long since i've been to a party" i let out a sigh as i lean my head against his bicep, him holding my hand tightly.

"same here" he agrees, my eyebrows raising. "you haven't gone to a party?" i question confused.

"since our last party together. i couldn't even look at a party. they were own thing" his words are cheesy, causing me to giggle.

"i feel special" i speak as we walk up the driveway of the house. the loud music can be heard from our houses.

we walk inside, immediately being greeted by the smell of weed and alcohol as well as heaps of sweaty high school students, most of them i recognise.

my other arm holds onto dylan's arm as we wander further into the house. i feel my phone vibrate and i grab it.

did you two go to that party?


okay. stay safe

i sigh as we walk towards the kitchen, dylan lets go of my hand. he grabs two red solo cups. "what would m'lady like to drink tonight?" he asks and i look at the options.

"i'll just go straight whiskey thanks" i rub my lips together as he nods, filling up my cup. he gets his own drink and we hold hands again, squeezing through the gross sweaty bodies to find somewhere to chill.

we find a spare couch and sit down, close to each other. i take a sip from my cup, letting the liquid tingle down my throat.

"y/n?! is that you?!" a drunk emma walks up to us.

ethan's p.o.v

"you know where their house is right" froy asks and i nod. grayson texts cooper, asking if we can all hang at his considering it's friday night. maybe y/n might be there.

he responds with yes, also saying that he is the only one home because their parents went out to a party with friends.

we get into the car, a sigh leaving my lips as i pull out of the driveway, speeding down the street.

we arrive at their two story house, getting out of the car. cooper opens the door before we can even do anything, a wide smile on his face.

"thank god! i was not going to drink by myself on a friday night" he exclaims and i roll my eyes at how weird he is.

we walk inside, hearing a thud upstairs. grayson and i look at each other. "beer?" cooper suggests and we all grab one.

"we actually need to talk to you man" he nods, leaning forward in his seat.

"y/n.. she's missing" grayson says carefully, not wanting to freak him out. he looks down at the floor.

"she's... wh..what?" his voice comes out weak and i sigh. "she disappeared. we're trying to find her. have you spoken to her.. since you left?" i look at him seriously.

"no. i said goodbye to her after the movies and went home." he rubs over his face and i lean backwards on the couch, letting out a disappointed sigh.

"maybe there's something around the house. that could hint at somewhere she might go" froy suggests and cooper nods.

"her room is upstairs." he speaks before heading towards the stairs, we follow him. he opens her bedroom door and we step inside, looking around her room.

"no one has been in here since.." he starts before cutting himself off.

"so her room hasn't been touched?" grayson questions as his eyes scan the room. i walk over to the photos on her wall, my eyes wandering over every single on. dylan. they seem like they were really close.

"were they dating?" i ask out loud, not thinking as everyone looks in my direction. "dylan and y/n?" cooper asks and i nod.

"oh no. they have just always been close. everyone thought they were dating tho" he shrugs, not really seeming interested in that topic.

"do you think she could be with him?" aaron asks, cooper lets out a small scoff.

"she wouldn't even think about it." he reassures us, mainly aiming it at me. i sigh, trying to believe it.

"so this has always been here?" grayson asks, walking towards her bed. he grabs the shirt from the floor, my lips parting when i realise she was wearing that today.

cooper shrugs, "i couldn't go into her room after it happened so i wouldn't know" he says honestly and i nod, confused.

"you guys want to stay for the night? maybe she might show up" he offers and we all agree.

y/n's p.o.v

"i'm sorry? who are you?" i lie, dylan looking at me. "oh my god i'm sorry. i thought you were my friend. my bad" she apologises before walking away.

"what was that about?" dylan asks letting out a confused chuckle. "i know her because of the twins. can't let her know i'm here" i shrug and he nods.


we spend a few hours at the party before we join hands to leave. we hold onto each other tightly and start walking back down the street. we arrive at his house and he unlocks the door, leading me inside.

i close the door after me and lock it. we both walk upstairs and into his room. i grab out his hoodie and sweatpants, kicking off my heels.

i let the dress slide off me before putting on dylan's clothes. "your skin care shit that you left here is still in my bathroom by the way" he reminds me and i thank him as i walk into his bathroom.

i open the bottom drawer, grabbing out some simple make up remover and face wash. i start wiping off my make up as i feel a presence behind me before he slides his hand over my lower back. he grabs his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"this is yours" he puts a toothbrush in front of me. we always leave stuff that we always use at each other's houses. i give him a smile before starting to brush my teeth.

it's been a long night

MY BOY | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now