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sorry for taking so long to upload. anyway tomorrow is australia day so happy australia day to my fellow aussies.

"come on y/n!" dylan groans, pulling the blankets from over my head. "let me fucking sleep!" i push him away, hiding my face in my pillows.

"we're going to be late if you don't get your lazy ass out of bed" he walks over to my closet as i look over. he grabs a hoodie and ripped jeans.

"come on" he glares at me and i sigh, finally getting out of bed. i pull my shirt and shorts off, grabbing the clothes from his hand.

"happy?" i ask, sliding the jeans up my legs. "very" he smirks and i roll my eyes, pulling the hoodie over my head.

"let's go" i grab my backpack, along with my phone and earphones. we walk out of the room and downstairs, saying goodbye to my parents before getting into dylan's car.

"can't believe you convinced me to go back to this hell hole" i speak as he concentrates on the road in front of us.

"gotta get those grades up" he says sarcastically and i roll my eyes, looking out the window.

we arrive at the school that i have came to hate over the years. dylan steps out of the car, swinging his bag over his shoulder. he opens my car door.

"what happens if the twins show up or something?" i ask, he gives me a weird look. we make eye contact and he sighs, knowing i'm serious.

"they can't. they don't go school" he waits for me to get out and i sigh, grabbing my bag. i get out of the car. he closes the door after me.

he starts walking across the car park, my hand subconsciously reaches for his. his fingers intertwine with mine as we walk.

my other hand grabs onto the cold metal railing of the door. i open it, the loud sound of chattering from the school building filling my ears.

dylan softly nudges me inside and i let out a small sigh as i look around at everyone. a few heads turn in our direction as we walk towards our lockers which are right next to each other.

people start whispering and talking, nearly everyone in the hallway staring at me making me feel incredibly uncomfortable.

"i don't think i can do this" we reach our lockers, he turns to face me, leaning against his locker.

"yes you can. i promise" his eyes wander all over my face before making eye contact with me.

ethan's p.o.v

"apparently there's a rumour that y/n is back at that high school near coopers" grayson speaks from the kitchen, causing my head to move in the direction of his voice.

"how would you know that?" i ask intrigued, wanting to know where she is. all that matters to me right now is that she is okay. yes, it hurts that she just disappeared but i can't sleep not knowing if she's safe.

"one of the guys on the football team. old friend" he looks over at me. "he said we can meet him there if we want to"

i almost immediately agree, a nervous pit in my stomach.


we arrive at the school, a small sigh leaving graysons lips. "you sure this is a good idea?" he asks as he turns off the car.

i look around at all the unfamiliar teens, all walking around. lunchtime. "honestly i don't know and i don't care. i just need to know if it's true" i grab my phone.

"what happens afterwards? if we find her?" he questions, wanting to make sure i know what i'm doing. which honestly, i have no idea.

"we'll see what happens when it happens. until then let's just..." i sigh, looking at the school doors. "let's just go find your friend"

we hop out of the car, my feet moving straight for the doors. we walk inside, knowing this is highly illegal as we don't actually go here, anymore anyway.

"DAMON!" grayson calls to a group of guys. a guy turns around, a genuine smile on his face. he excuses himself from the group and makes a beeline towards us.

"hey!" he introduces himself to me and i do the same back. "so is it true?" grayson asks and damon looks at him seriously.

"all my classes are the same as hers, unless i have practice. she's back" his words fill my ears.

"where is she?" i question, his eyebrows furrowing concerned. "why do you guys care so much?" grayson let's out a loud sigh.

"she's our friend. we were going to surprise her" grayson lies and he nods, a small smile on his face.

"cafeteria with the popular guys from the football team. my friends" he speaks. "show us the way" i give him a small smile.

he spins around on his heels, leading us towards the big cafeteria doors. he pushes one of them open, the loud obnoxious sound of chattering and laughing making me cringe.

my eyes land on a group of guys, dylan and one girl. y/n. i feel a sense of relief, knowing she is at least safe and not hurt.

"over there. i'll see you later gray." damon pats grayson on the shoulder, giving him a genuine smile before walking out of the cafeteria.

y/n's eyes move around the cafeteria, a nervous look at her face. her eyes land on grayson and i, her face dropping.

"come on" i nudge grayson, directing him towards the table. we start walking over. my feet come to a stop when i see both dylan and y/n not at the table anymore.

she's gone.

MY BOY | ETHAN DOLANWhere stories live. Discover now