Chapter 16 Healing With The Tree

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Thank you, everyone, who commented on the last one I'll be continuing this and maybe we'll have a sequel we'll see.......

As the sun starts to rise Fuli is the first to wake and she took a trip to the watering hole to get a drink. As Fui was drinking Rani approached from behind.

"Good Morning Fuli," Rani said standing behind Fuli.

"Morning Rani," Fuli said turning around looking at Rani.

"Just to let you know the elder is ready for Ono," Rani said.

"Ok, I'll let the others know," Fuli said turning to head back.

Rani left too heading to the elder, as Fuli head back the others were already awake.

"Guys the elder is waiting for us," Fuli said looking at the lion guard.

"Ok that's great let's go, guys," Kion said.

As the guard follow Kion inside another area the elder was sitting down and Rani was beside her,

"Come forward Ono," the elder said, Ono walked until he was in front of the elder.

"Put this on Ono," the elder said giving Ono and this mask made of leaves.

"What's that for" Bunga questioned,

"When the elder starts the healing process the tree emits lots of energy, and putting leaves on the site of injury helps concentrate the energy to help the healing process" Rani explained.

"Are you ready Ono?" the elder asked

"Affirmative" Ono said back putting the leaves on his eyes, the elder closed her eyes and places her paws on the leaves.

Then as the lion guard look, the roots started to glow yellow, and the energy from the roots flowed towards the rock the elder was sitting on and the rock started to glow bright yellow.

"Un-Bunga-Lievable," Bunga said with his mouth wide open, the lion guard couldnt believe what they were seeing.

The roots and rock continued to glow with energy, and the energy transferred from the elder's paws and into the leaves. The elder has been doing this for several minutes. Then she put her paws down and the roots went from a bright yellow colour to its normal colour and eventually turned back to their normal roots. The elder removed the leaves and Ono's eyes were closed because he was sleeping.

"Beshte take your friend back to your resting spot he needs rest," the elder said sitting down.

As Bunga and Anga helped get Ono on Beshte's back they start to head back to their spot in the field, Kion, Fuli, and Makini approached the elder.

"What about Kion," Fuli asked,

"I have to take a break every time I use the tree it drains my energy," the elder said taking a rest.

"You guys should check on Ono I'll come find you when the elder is ready," Rani said walking towards them.

Kion, Fuli, and Makini left the area heading to the field,

"They can't help you Kion, I will forever be apart of you," Scar said whispering in Kion's ear.

Kion just stopped walking and started to shake his head,

"Kion are you okay" Fuli questioned,

"My head just hurts a little" Kion answered.

As they continued to walk they saw Ono flying around in the sky,

"How are you feeling Ono," Kion asked looking up.

"Amazing I can see again," Ono said happily.

As Ono lands beside the Lion guard, Anga comes forward,

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