Chapter 2 ~ A New Feeling

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We laughed and talked like we did every evening until we noticed that the sun was beginning to set. The two of us slowly went silent so that we could take in the beautiful sight.

When the sun was almost out of sight, I noticed that Anthony was looking at me. I reluctantly looked back, but once our eyes locked, I couldn't look away.

What is this new feeling? I didn't even want to look away from his sparkling eyes. It was kind of strange. This never happened before. What is happening?

The sun went down and seemed to sink into the deep ocean ,as it did every night, but I felt, different. It seemed like everything was normal, but I didn't feel like I did all of the other nights.

Just gazing into Anthony's eyes made me feel like I was on a cloud. This whole feeling seemed so new, yet so familiar. I'm not exactly sure what it means, but it is nice.

I wonder what this could be, is it love? No, I don't see Anthony that way. I see him as a kind jokester that is my best friend. I love him as a friend, but that's it.

Maybe I'm just tired. I tend to stare a lot when I'm tired. Yeah, that's it. I am tired.

But then again, I've never felt this way before. So at ease, so at peace, so comfortable. I don't know, but I should go home.

I turn away from Anthony and look at the ocean one last time. I then stood up and said,

"We should get going. It's getting kind of late."

He seemed a little disappointed.

"Do we have to leave just yet? It's so beautiful out here."

I nodded.

"It is beautiful, but we should go, Anthony."


We put our beach blanket into my bag and walked off the beach together.

This night has been so wonderful... but also a little confusing. What was that feeling I just felt? And more importantly, did Anthony feel it too?

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