Chapter 9 ~ Packing

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I arose the next morning with my stomach tied in a knot. I had to start packing.

I started to take down all of my posters on the walls, put my bed sheets in a bag, and.... I looked on my desk and saw a photo of Anthony and me.

We were at my sixteenth birthday party (well, a party with only him and me). I remember when we took that picture.

I had jumped on Anthony's back and gave him bunny ears. We started laughing, so our smiles were real. The two of us had so much fun that day. I can't believe I'm actually moving away.

This was the kind of thing you'd see on your favorite TV show. The one character would get all gloomy and say they have to move, everyone gets sad, but then that character ends up not having to move and they all learn a lesson or something.

Too bad real life isn't like that. Things like this happen all the time. This time, it's happening to me.

I put the photo carefully in a box labeled PICTURES/POSTERS and continued to put everything into other boxes.

Boxes, boxes, and more boxes. I mean, why does everything have to go in boxes? Can't it go in a suitcase or something? You just end up having more things to carry. I don't know, but I'm getting really sick of boxes.

I hope my last night with Anthony is a good one, or I don't know what I'm going to do.

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