7. The Fight

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-2 days later-

I'm sitting eating pizza in our room when Silas runs in and changes as fast as he can. He scans his finger print in the corner of the room and a door opens. I've never seen that before. He comes out carrying 4 different guns. THATS why I haven't seen it before. He leaves the room. Seconds later he comes back and kisses my cheek and leaves again. I'm not even gonna ask what he's doing.

but then I hear gunshots outside of the fence and look out the window. I see Tori drop to the ground. I let out a scream and take off running. I grab my pepper spray out of my purse and bolt out the door. There's gunfire everywhere but all I'm worried about is Tori. I'm almost to her side when I'm tackled. I look up and it's Jordan.


I look at him then at the rest of the gang fighting. He turns to see what I'm looking at and I shove him off of me. I'm at Tori's side and she's bleeding bad. I rip off my shirt and thank the lord I'm wearing a bra today. I wrap her leg as tightly as I can. Her pulse is gone. I start CPR and the minutes go by like hours and she takes a breath. She opens her eyes.

"Aurora, get out of here. Please you'll die." She says.

"I'm not going anywhere." I say.

Suddenly I'm aware of the screaming in the background. I feel myself lifted and someone puts their hands on my chest. They aren't Silas's hands. I start kicking as hard as I can and get him in the groin and he drops me. I whip around just as he grabs me again and pepper spray him. He drops to his knees screaming. I take off running and see Silas giving me the deadliest look. Then his anger turns to fear as I'm shoved to the ground. This time it was a different guy and he had a knife at my throat. I hold my breath and lock eyes. The knife drops.

Silas - POV

I'm breaking a guys bones when I look over and see Aurora. My heart drops. What is she doing out here! She has no shirt on, just her bra and she's fighting someone groping her chest. She pepper sprays him. But then another guy throws her to the ground with a knife to her throat. My heart skips a beat and before I know it me and the guys are on our knees with guns pointed at our heads. I got too distracted. But suddenly I see the man help her up. What is going on!


"Aurora?" He says.

"Grayson?" I scream.

He jumps off of me and holds his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me up off the ground. He smiles and then I look and see all of our gang on their knees with guns pointed at their heads. Silas is studying his next move. Suddenly a man is next to Grayson.

"Why didn't you hurt her.?" He demands.

Everyone looks between us waiting for answer. Then 3 of the guys let Jordan, Christian and Owen go. They rip off their masks and walk towards me.

"Aurora?" They say in unison.

"Cole? Adam? Isaac?" I say.

They look at the man who asked the question with confused eyes. He yells.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU HURT HER!?" He screams.

My gang is really confused. They are looking between all of us. Not sure what to make of the situation.

"She's our baby sister." They say again in unison.

"Your WHAT?!" He screams.

Greyson pulls me into a hug and cole, Isaac and Adam walk over and do the same.

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