8. A Family

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2 months have passed quickly. Silas and I actively sleep together. Sexually and physically. He is so careful and caring to my body. It drives me crazy how hard and fast I've fallen for him.

"We have to leave soon babe." Silas says. Breaking my train of thought. His soothing voice busting through.

"I know, I know." I respond.

This morning I found out I'm pregnant. I am terrified and I haven't told Silas yet. Tonight I'm meeting his mom and dad. I'm extremely nervous.  Silas got me a beautiful dress to wear. We're going to some expensive restaurant.

"What if they don't like me.." I ask doubtfully.

"What's not to like babe?" He replies.

"I don't know.. I'm just worried." I say.

"They will love you baby." He reassures me.

My dress illustrates my breasts. You can say that's one of Silas's favorite body parts on me.

"Maybe I picked the wrong kind of dress." He says.

I look at him sadly.

"You don't think I look good in it?.."

"No, no baby I mean you look TOO good in it, I might just have to rip it off you when we get home." He winks. Then I hear his phone ding.

"The driver is here. Lets go." Silas says.

I nod and follow him out the door. We arrive to the restaurant. It's beautiful and definitely fancy. We walk in and I see an older man that definitely looks like Silas. His wife looks a few years younger. They stand and shake Silas's hand then sit. I guess I don't get a hand shake. They don't like me. I can tell.

"So Silas. Who is this." Asks his mother.

"This is Aurora. Aurora Rose Johnson. She's my girlfriend." He says.

I quickly realize they weren't expecting me. They both have a look of disgust and shock on their face.

"I didn't know you were settling down for once." His dad looks me up and down.

"Aurora. That's a unique name." His mom says.

"Thank you ma'am." I say.

"I said unique, not pretty." She snorts.

"Mother. That's rude. Watch your mouth." Silas says.

She bows her head in submission. The men have all the control in this family that's for sure.

"T-that's okay Silas." I stammer.

"No, it's not." He says back to me.

"Silas? What happened with you and Sophia? I thought you didn't date girls that have brown hair." She rudely remarks.

"I said shut the fuck up." He growls

She bows her head again.

My ears start ringing and Silas's and his dad carry on a conversation for both entrees and when we get to dessert they finally acknowledge his mother and I.

"So Aurora. What do you do in your free time at my sons house." His dad asks.

"Oh.. I cook his meals for him. I help Tori with her homework. I hangout with Jordan and the rest of them. I was doing his laundry and cleaning but he insisted to let the maid do it."

"You could have a maid for free because she's willing to yet you're paying a maid so she doesn't have to? That's stupid Silas." His dad says.

He starts to speak up but I cut him off.

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