30. Yearning

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Silas POV -

I walk up to our door and scan my hand. I slowly open the door after the satisfactory clicking and see Aurora laying in our bed, crying. I walk up to her and sit down next to her taking her hand gently into mine. I wipe her tears away and tilt her up to look at me. I lean in and kiss her. Her body tenses up and she increases the kiss, pushing me down to the bed and straddling me. I take her shirt off and run my hands up and down her torso. Light illuminates her beautiful stretch marks and gives her a halo like glow. She rolls off to the side and slides her pants off as I take my clothes off. In an instant she's back on my lap. I enter her and feel her tighten around me, I groan out in pleasure pulling her into me to kiss her. We stay like this for what seems like hours before we fall fast asleep in each other's arms.


I wake up and see Silas fast asleep. I check the monitors, the girls are asleep too. I check my phone, 5:15 am how am I awake already? I get up and hear the buzzing on Silas's phone go off. I grab it and read the message. My heart freezes.

"Sorry about yesterday, I should have known you wouldn't pay me in sex...but...what did you think? My pussy looks nicer than Auroras does it not?"

Instant anger, sadness, betrayal and confusion hits me. Why didn't Silas tell me? Tears start to flood my eyes. Silas stirs and sits up.

"Aurora? Baby? What's wrong?" He reaches for me I pull out of his grasp and run. He calls to me as he picks his phone up off the bed.

I run and run. I bolt out the front door and I just keep running until I collapse to the ground in agony. I look around and surrounded by trees and I look up to see a beautiful waterfall. I cry harder. I pull a knife out of the waistband of my shorts and hold it to my skin. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I whip around. It's Slater. He found us.

I go to pull away from him as he reaches and cups my face. Taking the knife from me.

"Angel, calm. I'm not going to hurt you." He says gently.

I ignore all the red flags and collapse into his arms sobbing. He gently lowers us to the ground and pulls me into his chest. Rubbing my back and my hair.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's okay, angel. It's okay." He whispers


"Shhh. I've got you. I love you, forget about Silas. I will take care of you." Slater says gently

I wipe the snot from my nose and look up at him.

"Why are you doing this." I ask

"I've known you just as long as Silas has. He never let me near you. But I've watched you from afar. I know almost everything about you. I love you."

I go to speak as I hear a gun cocking.

"I told you to NEVER step foot near her again!" Silas yells

We both stand up and Slater pushes me behind him. Silas points it at his head and I step in front of him.

"Aurora! What are you doing!" They both yell.

"Silas, stop. Just take me home and explain to me, yet again, how you would never cheat yet my therapist sent you that text." I say defeated

"You don't deserve her." Slater spits

"Stop. Both of you. Just stop." I say as stalk past Silas.

"Get out of here." Silas says

"Why? Because I'll treat her better than you do?" Slater says slyly

"Leave, now. Next time your dead." He scoffs

I glance back and Slater gives me a look. I shrug my shoulders and continue my trek.

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