23. Acceptance

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Owens funeral was silent last month. Everyone was pissed when they found out why Silas killed him. No one shed a tear..it was unreal. I keep laying in bed replaying it over and over. I can't believe he would do something like that. I sit up in bed and look over at Silas who is sitting on the couch holding the girls. He looks over at me and smiles. I smile back and go to sit up.

"Be carful Aurora. You're still in pain."

He's right. Giving birth really wore on my body. Everything still hurts. We haven't even had sex yet and the girls are 2 months old.

I sit up and stand up slowly. I make my way to the bathroom and gently close the door. I slip off my clothes and start the shower. I look at myself in the mirror and tear up. Being pregnant really fucked me up. Stretch marks align my stomach and my skin hangs down. Tears build in my eyes as I grab at my loose skin. The door opens and Silas walks in. He goes to speak but then sees me crying. Instantly, he's at my side with my hands to his lips.

"Baby..why are you crying..please don't cry."

"I..I hate my body.." I bite my lip and tears rush.

"No..no no no..baby you're so beautiful." He tilts my chin up at him and kisses me. He wraps his hand behind my neck and pulls me into him.

"I love you, Aurora. It's only been 2 months. You'll lose the baby weight. You are so beautiful and I love looking at you everyday knowing that you carried my children. I am so grateful for that." He trails off

"You promise?.." I ask

"Of course." He smiles and wraps me in a hug.

"I've wanted to be with you so badly..to feel you make love to me..but I'm still in so much pain..I'm sorry. I know you have needs and I've been neglecting them.." I say sadly

"What? No baby..no. I know you're in pain and As much as I'm ready to be intimate with you, I know you need more time and I'm willing to be patient. I don't care about that, I just care that you're safe and not in pain."

"I'm scared.."

"What?? Why.."

"That you'll get tired of waiting and find someone else to sleep with.."

"Aurora..I love you so much. How could you think that?"

"I don't know..I'm just feeling shitty about myself lately."

"Well don't..I love you.."

"I love you too.."

He kisses my forehead as one of the girls starts crying.

"Duty calls" he smiles

I nod and get into the shower.

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