33. Forgiveness

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I sit by her bedside in our room just starring at her. The lifeless love of my life. The mother of my children. The softness to my violence. She coughs and tries to sit up. I rush to her aid and grab her arm to steady her.

"Easy baby. Easy. It's okay. I'm here." I look into her eyes. They start to fill with tears.

"Baby you're okay, you're safe. Please don't cry." I beg, tears filling my eyes.

"Why...Why do you keep me here. I'm not good enough. I need to go. Let me go, please." she cries to me.

"AURORA ROSE KING." I raise my voice.

"You are beautiful. You are perfect, smart, sweet, kind, a great mother and an amazing fiancée. Please don't ever think you aren't enough." I plead with her, wiping her tear from her face and cupping her chin.

"But..my therapist.." She starts

I cut her off with a yell to the boys. They come in with their hands on their guns.

"No boys, don't need you for anything like that. Bring me Ms. Crux, immediately."

"Yes Sir."

Aurora starts to tremble and cover herself backing against the bed frame.

"No...no no no no no please..."

In walks Melissa and she has a disgustingly sly look on her face. She saunters over to me and tries to sit in my lap while keeping eye contact with my angel. I push her off of me and onto the floor.

"Baby!" she pouts.

"Don't call him baby! You overpaid, used, ugly, whore!" Aurora spits at her

Melissa laughs.

"Oh honey, call me what you want but until tonight, I was the one keeping your side of the bed warm." She giggles.

"NO!" Aurora cries as she covers her ears and buried her head into my pillow.

"Ms.Crux that is enough." I stand up with my arms crossed.

I reach down to Aurora and pull her out of our bed, balancing her against my chest.

"Baby, listen to me. Nothing happened between her and I. I promise on Emery and Elle. I love you so much. Boys roll the tapes." I state. Her eyes follow mine to our big TV and they press play.

You can see me standing shirtless in the kitchen and Aurora giving me and the girls a kiss goodnight as she walks up the stairs. Melissa walks up seconds later and puts her arms around me feeling my chest. I turn around and say something to her as I push her hands away. She leans in to kiss me and I throw her to the ground, walking away. She stands up, brushes herself off and mutters something angry. The next day shows me getting out of bed with Aurora and heading to the girls shared room to check on them. I notice Melissa holding Elle and yell at her taking her out of her arms and pushing her out of the room.

I look at Aurora who is silently crying.

"I'm so sorry Silas..I'm sorry I didn't trust you!" She throws her arms around my neck and kisses my lips. I've missed her.

"It's okay baby. It's okay." I rock her

"The choice is yours Aurora. How should she be punished?" I ask.

Letting Aurora choose will give her the closure she needs.

"Kill her." She says coldly

Jordan doesn't hesitate as he takes out his favorite knife and swipes it across her throat letting her choke on her own blood. Aurora looks away and deepens into my chest. I wrap her up into me and I carry her into a guest room while they clean up the mess.

"I love you Aurora."

"I love you Silas."

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