14. A Monster

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I awake to my alarm going off. I rush to the toilet and throw up. Again, and again and again. I wipe my face and brush my teeth. Our room is weirdly silent. I change clothes and head downstairs but no one is around. They have to be here somewhere. Silas wouldn't leave me home alone. I hear screaming and laughing but it's muffled. I try to follow the sound and end up in a hallway I've never been in. I notice a part of the walls have hinges. Must be a hidden area. I dig my nails into the side and pry the wall open. It has a long stair case made of cement. I slowly walk down and hear Silas and Jordan.

"You're going to die today" Jordan laughs

"Please, please don't hurt me. I have a child at home. I'm not responsible for the choices my husband makes!" The female begs

"Shut up! I can't think with your fucking mouth running!" Silas yells at her

I peak around the corner and see her tied up. She's naked and covered in blood and bruises. Silas has his arms crossed and is pacing and Jordan has a knife to her throat. Silas pulls out his gun and cocks it pointing it at her head.

"Please! Please! You can't do this!" She cries.

"Your husband put a hit out on my pregnant wife. I found the hitman in my house this morning raping my sister. He's dead now but your husband is nowhere to be found. So that leaves you."

He puts his leg up and kicks her in the chest. She toppled backwards and slams her head on the floor.

"Please! I'll do anything! You want money? I got it! You want sex? Have me all you want. Please please don't do this!"

"I don't want anything from you. You can keep your nasty sex. I have someone already."

"Please. I'm pregnant please don't do this."

My ears are ringing. Her innocent child is going to die.


"This conversation is over." He smirks and shoots her right in the stomach. Then again in the head.

I drop to my knees overwhelmed and begin sobbing. Silas hears me, cusses under his breath and runs to my side.

"Aurora how did you get here?!" He asks taking me into his arms.

"I-I couldn't find anyone and I was scared but I heard the noises..." I cry louder

Silas scoops me up into his arms and gives Jordan a look. He nods and Silas takes me back up the stairs and to our room. He lays me on the bed and takes his bloody clothes off. He hops in the shower and comes back and lays next to me, taking my hand in his he strokes my hair and I cry into his chest.

"S-She was pregnant Silas how could you?" I scream

"You're pregnant Aurora...he was going to. Please you have to understand I did this to protect you." He sighs kissing my forehead.

"I don't understand.. you purposely shot her stomach first... you wanted her baby to die..why.."

"Aurora please don't be like that.. I was protecting you and our baby girl.. you know that. And he raped Tori." He justifies.

"I wish I didn't see it.." I cry harder

He squeezes me into his chest and kisses me all over my head and face.

"I'm so sorry you had to see that...it won't happen again. I promise."

I nod my head and fall asleep in the crook of his neck.

Silas POV

She's asleep in my arms. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean for ANY of this to happen. Falling in love with her..getting her pregnant and seeing these horrible things I do for a living. I wanted to put her somewhere safe..away from me when I found out she was pregnant but that would only hurt her.. she loves me too much. She would go into a depression. I look down at her and move her hair from her face. I plant a kiss on her nose and hug her tighter. She's too perfect for this cruel world.

"Silas..." she opens her eyes and puts her hand on my face and looks into my eyes.

"What baby." I reply

"I'm sorry I went down there. I should have known you would have showed it to me if you wanted me to know it was there..." she starts to cry.

"Don't cry my queen. It's okay. I'm sorry you had to see the monster I really am.."

"I don't think you're a monster..are you rough? Yes.. and violent? Of course.. but I know most of it is for the good of our family and this gang. I love you Silas and no matter who you kill or what kind of person you think you are..you're an amazing fiancé and you're going to be an amazing dad..." she smiles up at me

"I love you Aurora. And Elle..."

"Elle? You decided you like that name!" She squeals happily

" I love it. Elle Lexinee king...fit for a princess" I say

She smiles so big and hugs me tight. I run my fingers down her spine and push her away to kiss her stomach. I still can't believe that I, the "ruthless killer who will never settle down or have kids" is in love with this amazing girl that's carrying my baby.

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