17. The Tests

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The next day comes quickly and Tori wakes me up. I look around and Silas had left a note saying he'd see me tonight. Duty calls.

"Aurora.. I was able to make an appointment to do the DNA test...I really want to know if Charlie is the father or not." She says quietly.

"Will you please go with me.?" She begs

"Charlie said it didn't matter whose it was Tori. I think doing the test is a bad idea. What if he's not the dad? You won't feel the same." I say

"Please. I really want to do this." She asks

"Fine. Let me get ready." I get up and head to the bathroom and throw on some clothes.

We head down to the kitchen and we both grab a fruit. I open the key drawer and dig through all the car keys. I settle on the baby pink fiat Silas got me. We walk out and hop in the car and start to drive. I get a text from Charlie.

"Where are you guys goin?"

"Baby appointments." I respond

"Ok. Be safe. Love you guys."

"We will." I reply

10 minutes pass and Tori looks sick.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know. I just really don't know how to handle this situation..thank you for going with me." She tries to smile.

"It will all be okay. Besides. We're here now. How long until you hear the result?" I ask

"It's immediate. I have Charlie's hair. If it matches then we know."

I nod and we head into the office. We sit there and I notice a man with his wife but she doesn't look pregnant. He keeps looking over at me.

"Tori King."

Tori stands up quickly and gestures for me to come with her. We enter a small yellow room with baby pictures on the wall. I've never been in one of these offices before because Silas prefers my care to be at home where he can protect me. The doctor comes in and explains to tori that he has to make a tiny hole in the sac to take the babies DNA and she consents. The procedure is quick and the doctor tells us it will be 5 minutes.

"I'm worried Aurora. Can you have him tell you instead?" She asks

"I don't know if.."

"Please" she cuts me off and starts to cry.

"Okay, I will." I nod

"Alright tori. Your results are in. The DNA test shows that there is..."

"Wait. Don't tell me. Tell my sister in law please." She turns away holding back tears.

"Ah yes. Okay. Sorry." He says embarrassed

He turns to me and leans in closely.

"The DNA test shows that there is a match. Charlie is the biological father of the baby." He says quietly

I start to smile and nod my head while shaking his hand.

"Thank you so much." I say

Tori turns back to me and her face is covered in tears, her eyes are starting to be puffy and her cheeks are really red...she looks sad.

"Tori..you can stop worrying." I say

She shakes her head and puts it in her hands.

"Charlie's the father Tori." I say smiling

Her head whips up and she looks happy and shocked at the same time.

"He's the father!" She yells

"Yes!" I smile bigger

"Oh My GOD!! I'm so happy!!" She squeals

"Shhh!! I'm happy too Tori." I say

"Lets go!" She grabs my arm and starts to drag me out of the office.

We make our way back to the car and Tori's saying how happy she is and how she can't wait to tell Charlie that the baby is his and not her rapists. I look up at her smiling but she starts to scream. I look behind me and am engulfed with a bag over my head. I start thrashing and hear Tori begging them to let us go. Then I faint.

Silas POV

Malcolm and I've had some exchanged words and he's worried that Aurora, if ever kidnapped again, would rat us out to save herself and Elle. After a long argument we decided to stage her kidnapping and see if she would throw us under the bus. Although I was extremely against the idea it made me feel better to send her brothers and Jordan to kidnap her and Tori. But we brought Tori back behind the two way mirror. Let's just say she's pissed at us and told me Aurora passed out from the stress. I turn on the light in the room and she's still out. They laid her on the floor and took the bag off her head. Malcolm gestures for his men and tells them to go in and make noise and shoot at the wall behind her. They walk in and shoot at the ceiling and Aurora wakes up and backs into the corner. She pulls her knees to her chest and cries. Fuck. This is killing me.

"W-What do you want!" She screams

"Silas will kill you when he finds out where I am!" She pulls her knees tighter and wraps her arms around them.

"He won't ever find you. But unless you tell us where he lives and what he's been up to, you and your baby will die." One of them laughs

"Please..no. I'll do anything you want. I'll tell you everything." She says. Malcolm looks at me with death in his eyes.

"Great. First question. What's his newest business partners name.?"

I hold my breath and Malcolm cracks his knuckles and starts pacing back and fourth. He looks at me and growls under his breath and then stops to watch her again.

"Nathan! His name is Nathan. We met him at a restaurant in Texas 2 weeks ago." She says

Malcolm's eyes perk up and he's happy about the fact that every word out of her mouth was a lie. I knew my baby wouldn't rat me out.

"Next question. Is tori expecting a child? Why were you at a DNA center."

"No. Tori isn't pregnant. She took me so I could make sure Silas was the father of my baby." She lies again.

"Next question. Is Jordan living with you?"

"No. He moved out when I moved in. I don't know where he lives now."

"That's a lie!" He pulls back his hand to hit her.

"NO! I promise it's not a lie! He moved out! Why would I lie to you! You threatened to kill me and my child!" She screams putting her hands up. I hate seeing her so scared.

"Fine. Next question. What's Silas's full name.?"

"Sylvester Ben King." She says

"Dude that's your name?" Malcolm laughs

"No. It's Silas Beckett king. You idiot" I roll my eyes. No surprise Aurora isn't going to give me away.

"Are you having a boy or a girl."

"Boy." She folds her arms.

"Where are you having the baby."

"At northern hospital."

Malcolm looks at me and nods his head.

"I'm sorry I doubted her. You can never be to sure with the women trying to protect their babies." He says

"As much as I know Aurora loves our daughter. She would protect me as much if not more." I say.

Malcolm pages the men to exit and the lights turn brighter. I make my way into the room. She sees me and throws herself to me, putting her head in my chest. She starts crying.

"I-i did the best I could. I didn't tell them anything that was true!" She cries

"Baby. I know. I know. You're okay. I'm here now, I love you so much." I hold her tighter. I'm not telling her what it really was because she was terrified. If she finds out I'm the reason she'll hate me.

"I love you Silas."

"I love you more." I say. And I take her home.

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