27. Trust

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It's been weeks since I've been allowed out of our new house. It's to the point where I'm going insane. I look at the monitor and the girls are sleeping soundly with a nanny we recently hired. She only comes once a week but it gives Silas and I time to ourselves. I glance at the time on my phone. 12 in the afternoon. Silas doesn't get out of his meeting for another 4 hours. I need to get out of here. Sneaking out it is. I get dressed and tip toe past tori and Charlie's room. I peak in and a heavily pregnant Tori is sound asleep. Shoes in my hand I head down the long stairs, letting my socks mask each step I take. I get to the front door and our butler, Fred, comes to my aid.

"Ms. Aurora what are you doing? You know you mustn't leave the house."

"Shhhh!!! Please fred, I'm going stir crazy. I'll be back in an hour." I whisper

He turns away and straightens his jacket. Giving me permission to run out.

I grab my car keys and open the front door quickly and quietly and jump into my car. It starts and I speed off down the driveway before anyone can see my car.

Silas POV

I'm in my meeting when I hear a light knock on the door. Usually it's Fred.

"Come in."

He opens the door slowly and makes his way to my side. Bending down he whispers.

"Aurora left the house, Sir."

"SHE WHAT?!" I yell.

All eyes go to me, Charlie is looking at me confused and Jordan's eyes get wide with assumption.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, we have to reschedule. It's seems my wife has decided to get some fresh air." I say quickly

Instantly Jordan, Charlie and Auroras brothers jump up. The rest of my men nod in understanding and pack up.

"Fred, how did she manage to get out." I say sternly

"It was my fault, she promised she would be right back and I believed her. I'm so sorry sir." He says quickly

Fred is an older guy, a friend of my grandpa. I could never punish him the way I do my men. So I brush it off.

"It's okay Fred, we will find her. Thank you for coming to me." I say frustrated

I turn to the men.

"Get out there and start looking for her now. But don't be obvious about it, I don't need enemies knowing she's on the run."


I keep driving until I finally figure out where I can go and still be safe. Our bar.

I pull into the parking lot and check the time. 1 pm. Sorry Fred. I quickly step out of my car and hurry into the bar. It's pretty packed for a Tuesday. Eyes go to me and whispers ensue. I head up to the bar and get a water. Our usual guy is still bar tending. He eyes me suspiciously. I shrug my shoulders and head to V.I.P. There's a group of girls and a couple guys sitting there drinking and laughing.

"Move." I say

They laugh and look me up and down.

"You shouldn't be in V.I.P" they sneer

"What makes you think you should?" I reply shrugging

They pull out V.I.P ID cards and hold them up at me.

"Oh cool!" I say sarcastically

"Can I see them?" I ask

They hand them over and I break them in half, throwing them to the floor.

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